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Session 4 17-20 July 2017 Charity Ausiku 05A5503.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 4 17-20 July 2017 Charity Ausiku 05A5503."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session July 2017 Charity Ausiku 05A5503

2 Provisional title An analysis into the role of visualisation in redefining the pedagogy of fractions in mathematics classrooms among inservice trainees at the University of Namibia, Rundu Campus

3 Research questions How can the Primary teachers’ views on the pedagogy of fractions be redefined through visualisation? What are the enabling and constraining factors in teaching fractions in a more visual way at the primary phase? To what extent is visualisation integrated into the primary phase curriculum?

4 Context The existence of various fractions constructs, the unusual way in which fractions are written, the misapplication of whole number knowledge to fractions and the fact that less emphasis is placed on conceptual understanding are some of the difficulties associated with the learning of fractions (van de Walle, 2014)

5 Context continued… Visualisation as a driving force in promoting conceptual understanding and improving learners’ performance in mathematics Visualisation in mathematics applicable at all levels from kindergarten to tertiary Visual mathematics enhances learners’ understanding of the numerical, abstract mathematics (Boaler, 2016)

6 Context continued… Cognition is defined by Paivio (2006, p.3) as variable pattern of the interplay of the two systems (the verbal and the nonverbal) according to the degree to which they have developed An imbalance in the two systems could result in a mismatch between what the teacher sees and what the learners see (Whiteley, 2004)

7 Theoretical framework
Dual Coding Theory (DCT) Strives for a balance between the two systems, i.e. neither should be neglected Advocates for both Verbal system which lends itself towards abstraction Nonverbal system which lends itself towards visualisation

8 Theoretical framework continued…
Although the verbal system is dominant in mathematics, it draws on the rich knowledge base of the nonverbal system (Paivio, 2006). The nonverbal system should not be perceived as “… a crutch or bridge to be left behind as one matures,” (Whiteley, 2004, p.1; Boaler, 2016)

9 Concepts Conceptual understanding of fractions Redefining pedagogy
Professional development for in-service teachers Different fraction constructs Mastery of unit fractions Equivalent fractions Estimation of fractions Measurement

10 Methodology Orientation – interpretive paradigm
Methods – case study, mixed methods Population – in-service mathematics primary school teachers enrolled with UNAM Site – selected schools in Kavango East Region

11 Research design Phase 1: Identifying participants (CODeL office), contacting them, signing consent forms Phase 2: Designing and preparing training manuals and an evaluation tool for teachers on fractions Phase 3: Training of in-service teachers enrolled with UNAM, Rundu Campus and evaluation of the training by teachers

12 Research design continues…
Phase 4: Implementation and evaluation Phase 5: Monitoring and evaluation

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