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To assess Disney’s representation of male and female characters

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Presentation on theme: "To assess Disney’s representation of male and female characters"— Presentation transcript:

1 To assess Disney’s representation of male and female characters
Gender in Disney To assess Disney’s representation of male and female characters

2 CHILDREN List all the places & sources (tangible & intangible) children find out about the world they are living in: Parents Films

3 DISNEY Walt Disney Pictures is a famous film production company known for creating films aimed at children. For many children, Disney films are one of the first places where they learn about ideologies (values and beliefs).

4 GENDER IN DISNEY Create a table for each gender and list the qualities they share in common Shared qualities for Disney Princesses Qualities that set Disney Princesses apart Shared qualities for Disney Princes Qualities that set Disney Princes apart


6 WOMEN IN DISNEY Shared qualities for Disney Princesses
Qualities that set Disney Princesses apart

7 DISNEY PRINCES Characters from left to right: Snow White
Sleeping Beauty Aladdin The Little Mermaid Beauty and the Beast Cinderella

8 MEN IN DISNEY Shared qualities for Disney Princes
Qualities that set Disney Princes apart

9 GENDER IN DISNEY Based on the lists, what values and beliefs children are learning about being male and female?

How have these recent Disney films tried to adapt the male and female representations?

11 PLAN A PRINCESS How will your princess be different from a Disney Princess? What is her goal? What is her challenge? Where is she from? What does she look like? Plan a story summary ignoring/flipping the 6 princess steps Trauma, Perseverance, Romance, Peril, Rescue, True Love Put it in Todorov’s Theory

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