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Birth of Communism Karl Marx created the Communist movement.

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Presentation on theme: "Birth of Communism Karl Marx created the Communist movement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Birth of Communism Karl Marx created the Communist movement.
Wrote a book called The Communist Manifesto Communists believed: Capitalists oppressed workers One day workers would overthrow capitalist factory-owners in a violent revolution. Workers would establish a classless society and abolish private property

2 Socialism Early socialist criticized the idea of laissez-faire capitalism Believed workers should be given greater rights and opportunities Governments should own businesses

3 Unification of Italy and Germany
The Industrial Revolution encouraged a rising middle class in Italy and Germany to demand unification Both countries were unified by wars.

4 European Imperialism Motives:
European countries wanted colonies and power Needed resources and new markets to sell manufactured goods Duty to spread superior culture and civilization to Africa and Asia

5 European Imperialism “Old Imperialism” – use of formal (direct) rule
Suppressed cultures, took resources, and used locals for labor India was ruled by Britain Southeast Asia was ruled by the French, Dutch, and Spanish.

6 The British “Raj” (Reign) in India
Began in 18th century British brought: Language Industry (railroads) Culture (schools, language) Sepoy Mutiny (1857) – British crush the revolt and take control of India Queen Victoria is named Empress of India

7 British East India Company
English company set up to pursue trade with East Indies Ruled India from 1757 to 1858 Considered the “Crown Jewel” of imperialist countries.

8 British East India Company
India became the major supplier of raw materials for workshops in England during the Industrial Revolution Traded cotton, silk, indigo dye, tea, and opium

9 Positive Effects of European Imperialism of India
Constructed 3rd largest railroad network in India Brought unity to connected regions Constructed modern road network, telephone, telegraphy lines, dams, and bridges Increased public health and education

10 Negative Effects of European Imperialism of India
British held political and economic power Restricted Indian-owned industries Emphasis on cash crops Resulted in loss of self-sufficiency for people

11 The “New Imperialism” Caused by use of new technology
Military (rifles) Medicines (quinine used against malaria) Transportation (steamboats and railroads) Communication (telegraph and telephone)

12 Renewed Interest in Imperialism
European technology made it possible to travel to all parts of Africa, Asia, and Pacific Needed new raw materials and new markets Wanted colonies to preserve the balance of power Social Darwinism (society is better if culture is more successful) Spread of Christianity.

13 Social Darwinism Europeans were superior due to scientific and technological progress European s believed they had the right to bring the results of their progress to other countries.

14 Scramble of Africa Britain takes Egypt to keep control of the Suez Canal Starting in the 1870s by the 1890s most of Africa was under European control.

15 By 1890, only Ethiopia and Liberia remained independent.


17 Scramble of Africa King Leopold, the king of Belgium, ruled the Congo like his own private estate. Natives that did not supply enough rubber hand their hands cut off. While the king profited, the people of the Belgian Congo suffered greatly.

18 Berlin Conference of Disputes among the imperial powers would be worked out at the conference The remainder of Africa would be divided up

19 Informal Imperialism Taking control of the economy but not taking over the government. Latin America was controlled economically by Britain and the United States.

20 Positive Effects of European Imperialism of Africa
Introduction of: modern transportation and communication systems Telegraphs, railroads, and telephones European medicine and improved nutrition Led to an expansion of population

21 Negative Effects of European Imperialism of Africa
Africans were treated as inferior to Europeans Europeans divided Africa and ignored the tribal, ethnic, and cultural boundaries This has led to tribal conflicts in many African nations that continue to this day.

22 European Take Over of Asia
British purchased Singapore Became one of the busiest ports in the world Malaysia became huge exporter for tin and rubber British encouraged immigrants to move to Southeast Asia to work on plantations.


24 Positive Effects of European Imperialism of Asia
Cash crops helped boost the economy Improved communication and transportation Built roads, harbors, and rail systems Improved Education, health, and sanitation

25 Negative Effects of European Imperialism of Asia
Immigrants from different regions creating a “melting pot” Tensions between immigrants and natives due to race, culture, and religion.

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