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Chapter 8 lesson 2 WWI and its Aftermath

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1 Chapter 8 lesson 2 WWI and its Aftermath
Mr. Bondurant 11/13/2018

2 Chapter 8 lesson 2 WWI and its Aftermath
What brought on World War I, and what were the results of the war? Armistice League of Nations Fascist depression 11/13/2018

3 A. Murder That Led to War 1. What threatened to destroy the Austro-Hungarian empire in1914? 2. Why did Serbian nationalist think that killing Archduke Franz Ferdinand would help free Bosnia from Austrian rule? 11/13/2018

4 B. The War Begins 1. How did Germany, Russia, and France get involved in a quarrel between Serbia and Austria? 2. Why was World War I considered a world even though it was fought only in Europe? 11/13/2018

5 C. Peace Treaties Changed the Map
1. What countries drew up the treaty that ended WWI? 2. Name three countries that were created by the peace treaties of 1919. 3. What did the peace treaties do to the Austro-Hungarian empire and Germany? 11/13/2018

6 D. A Dictator takes Power in Italy
1. What ideas do Fascists support? 2. Why was Benito Mussolini about to take power of Italy? 3. Who were the Black Shirts and what did they do in 1922? 11/13/2018

7 E. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis Take Over
1. How did most Germans feel about the peace treaty that ended WWI? 2. What promises did Adolf Hitler make to the German people? 3. What helped the Nazis take power? 11/13/2018

8 F. Hitler Becomes Germany’s Dictator
1. How did Hitler justify Nazi attacks on the Jews? 2. What did Hitler do after he became Germany’s dictator? 11/13/2018

9 W61 2. Germany 10. Germany 3. Bosnia 11. Austria 4. Serbia 12. Japan
5. Russia 6. France 7. Russia 8. France 9. Great Britain 10. Germany 11. Austria 12. Japan 13. Italy 14. United States 15. Turkey 11/13/2018

10 R59 1. True 2. False Replace Allied with Central and Replace Central with Allied 11/13/2018

11 WORK TOGETHER! TOGETHER MEANS: On the same question at the same time!
Working only with your group! ALL brains are at work! Everyone comes to an agreement on the answer. Questions must be asked as a group! You may NOT divide and copy! 11/13/2018

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