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April 25, 2018
Birchwood School K Students Built 1958 Birchwood School Soaring to Excellence Stony Brook School K Students Built 1962 Birchwood /17 315 10/17 299 3/18 300 Stony Brook 6/17 352 10/17 352 3/18 351 Stony Brook School Soaring to Excellence
Catherine A. Dwyer K-5 304 Students Built 1971 Dennis B. O’Brien
Catherine A. Dwyer School No Walls....No Limits Dennis B. O’Brien K Students Preschool 62 Students Built 1953 Dennis B. O'Brien School Bee...lieve CAD 6/17 311 10/17 306 3/18 300 DBO 6/ & 62 PK 10/ & 62 PK 3/ & 64 PK KDM 6/17 272 10/17 249 3/18 254 Katharine D. Malone K Students Built 1952 Katharine D. Malone School Soaring to Excellence
Budget supports 2,267 students on roll 14 out of district placements
Copeland Middle School Grades Students Built 1969 Copeland Middle School Committed to Excellence Administration Building Maintenance Building Transportation Garage Budget supports 2,267 students on roll 14 out of district placements 2 students received 430 full time employees 136 part time employees Copeland 817 6/17 786 10/17 791 3/18 Total Enrollment 6/ 10/ 3/ Change of -84 students Current Enrollment 2313 includes 12 sent and 3 received plus 21 preschool parent paid 270 graduating 8th graders 208 incoming Kindergarten budgeted 2313 current 270 graduating 8th grader 2257 (includes 22 preK) incoming Kindergarten budgeted Budgeted Enrollment for next year K: Registered: BW CAD DBO KDM SB Total FTE Budget – FT & 169 PT FT & 178 PT
2018-2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Focus on improvement of instruction:
Continue IRLA (grades K through 5) Expand curricular offerings at CMS Algebra I (gr.7), Geometry (gr. 8), German, Biology, STEAM, and G&T Develop district benchmark assessments in ELA, Math, Social Studies & Science Continue focus on improving reading scores, math fluency, writing skills Continue/expand use of Digital Techbooks in Science and Social Studies
BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS In-house Professional Development offerings by district staff including Google Level I Certification for staff Increase number of Chromebooks used in elementary schools Expand wireless access in elementary schools Maintenance Upgrades include Stony Brook Boiler/HVAC replacement and replacement windows Master Clocks in all schools Repave DBO parking lot
BUDGET INCLUDES: SAC (Student AssistanceCounselor) has been added to Copeland Middle School to assist students in navigating the social and academic stress they encounter in their teenage years. Class III Officer Gifted & Talented Teacher Cross Country Team Chromebook Initiative expanded to Elementary Schools
Shared services with Rockaway Township (upkeep of grounds, fuel, transportation bldg) Joint purchase with Rockaway Township for purchase of a vehicle wash station Educational Data co-op purchasing savings over $200k Middlesex Regional Education co-op purchasing Lease Purchase through Morris County Improvement Authority at 2.1% interest rate Professional Development and supports (e.g. Reflex Math) to improve student learning and support best instructional practices Joint contract with Rockaway Township for refuse collection Vehicle wash – mandatory due to changes in state storm water regulations Ed Data – co-operative procurement management program that services over 450 districts. Saves district money and reduces the overall workload. Share maintenance of BOE fields and school grounds in exchange for custodial services Purchase of fuel shared with town Share the bus garage Co-mingled recycling will be picked up by town
NJ Clean Energy Grants Transportation Shared Services E-rate(Savings in communication costs) ACES (Alliance for Competitive Energy Services) Insurance jointures (SAIF & NJSBAIG) Safety grants Preschool and special education tuition students Energy savings from solar and sale of SREC’s Savings from competitive bidding for services Sales through Gov Deals TOTAL SAVINGS OVER $500,000 Erate -increase in savings over from because we are seeing the full year impact on the upgrading of our network lines in Sept 2012 and from our new website (eligible for erate) We will now see erate savings with LightPath and the new switch upgrade $79,152 $100,542 $ 98,789 $68,865 Category 1 = $170,485 Category 2 = $131,546 TOTAL = $302,031 Aces – procured electricity and natural gas at discounted prices for NJ schools. (Alliance for Competitive Energy Services) Preschool tuition = 16 $3,000 total $48,000 2 special education students received = $56,000 Solar = 802 SREC’s generated annually last sold at $294 each total=$235,788 June 2017 sold 598 SREC’s at $222 each total = $132,756 Competitive bidding – expect to save with inclusion of township in waste disposal bid Go out for RFP’s on a regular basis for professional services as well as oil & fuel.
Boiler & HVAC Replacement
SUMMER PROJECTS Dwyer Boiler & HVAC Replacement
DBO ROOF Before After
Dwyer Roof Before After
Stony Brook Computer Lab
CAD Computer Lab Stony Brook Computer Lab
New Trucks New Lifts Garage
Projects completed in district by Maintenance Department
Expanded Dwyer Computer Lab Landscaping
Administration Building
Projects completed in district by Maintenance Department con’t. Administration Building Front Steps Sump Pump Installation Dwyer Lobby Before After
Where does the money come from?
REVENUE Revenue Column Revenue Column2 Tax Levy 44,788,110 84% ,675, % Fund Balance 764,322 1% , % State Aid 3,290,301 6% ,537, % Reserves 365,5620 7% ,727, % Other 416,708 1% , % Special Rev % , % 53,493, ,514, Additional State Aid $230,967 We received state aid this year & last year for: PARCC Readiness Aid $22,585 Per Pupil Growth Aid $22,585 about $10 per student for each Last year we received additional state aid for: Professional Learning Community Aid $23,390 Host District Support Aid $565 Total additional aid = $48,356 Tax Levy $45,266,428 General fund and Debt service $408,913 = total $45,675,341 State Aid $ 3,537,686 includes debt service $132,887 Impact Aid $150,000 Extraordinary Aid $250,000 Reserves $ 2,727,750 Capital Reserve Other $ ,278 (interest, building rental, tuition, SREC’s)(SEMI - $29,278) Fund Balance (Other) $637,752 surplus Carryover from budget Special Revenue $ 553,063 IDEA & NCLB Impact Aid from $872,941 was carried into and fell through to surplus Impact Aid from $334,304 was carries into and fell through to surplus Impact Aid from $385,186 Impact Aid from $380,285 Impact Aid from $365,038 YTD =
BUDGET COMPARISON 2017-2018 Revised 2/1/18 2018-2019 Change % Change
General Fund $ 49,629,032 $ 49,692,257 $ 63,225 .13% Capital Reserve $ 3,655,620 $ 2,727,750 ($ 927,870) (-34.02%) Special Revenue $ ,988 $ ,063 ($ 201,925) (-36.51%) Debt Service $ ,200 $ ,800 ($ ) (-.07%) TOTAL BUDGET $ 54,581,840 $ 53,514,870 ($1,066,970) (-1.99%) 17-18 original budget: $ 53,493,152 $ ,472 Additional State Aid $ ,319 adjustment for prior year encumbrances $ ,897 Fund 20 $ 54,581,840 2% Tax levy increase = $887,577 Fund Balance =$637,752(18-19) - $764,322(17-18) = -$126,570 Offset: Extraordinary aid budget = no change
STATE AID HISTORY Does not include Extraordinary Aid or Impact Aid
lost 1.7 million in state aid since then we have slowly gotten back 1.6 million of that so we are still getting almost $100k less than 9 years ago Extraordinary Aid: 12-13 $644,997 13-14 $693,082 14-15 $585,065 15-16 $550,123 Impact Aid: 11-12 $371,449 12-13 $872,941 13-14 $334,304 $385,186 15-16 $380,285 16-17 YTD $365,038
2018-2019 EXPENDITURES Expense Total $ % $18,478,453 34%
Instruction – Regular $12,977,773 24.3% Instruction – Special $4,734,710 8.8% Instruction – Basic Skills $506,136 .9% Instruction – Bilingual $205,984 .4% Co-curricular/Community/After School Activities $53,850 .1% Total Instruction $18,478,453 34% Tuition $813,147 1.5% Attendance & Social $52,525 Health $580,116 1.1% Speech/OT/PT $3,336,818 6.2% Other Extraordinary Services $25,000 0% Guidance $696,277 1.3% Child Study Team $1,649,149 3.1% Budget Info: Benefits include an 18% increase from 1/1/19 for Health and RX $1.3 million $ increase budget Info: Benefits include a 12% increase from 7/1/17 for Health and a 5% increase for Dental $980,939 Increase in tuition 3 students $255,552 Special Ed related services (OT/PT/Speech) $131,993 Salaries increase of $177,216 budget Info: Salaries include a 3.5% overall increase (Additional Technology person and 2.5% salary increase) Benefits: Change to State Health Benefits Savings of approximately $ 467,272 Increase medical & prescription 12% Jan 1, 2017 Dental 0 Increase Instruction : added Full Day Kindergarten in with 13 classes Budgeted Actual: supplies/furniture $50,000 $55,483 textbooks $16,900 $15,014 Salaries $165,000 Staff Asst $175,000 Benefits $69,300 Total $476,200 3 additional classes added P/T Media Specialist & P/T Music Total cost additional $859,335
2018-2019 EXPENDITURES Page 2 Expense Total $ %
Curriculum $309,925 .6% Library $407,020 .8% Instructional Staff Training $33,550 .1% Administration $903,300 1.7% School Administration $1,697,369 3.2% Central Services $521,442 1.0% Technology $823,938 1.5% Operation & Maintenance of Plant $4,376,877 8.2% Transportation $2,555,669 4.8% Benefits $12,123,975 22.7% Total Undistributed Expenses $30,906,097 58% Administration costs include salaries, benefits, legal fees, auditor fees, architect fees, residency investigations, Insurance, communication, postage, advertising, administrative dues and board dues & expenses Includes purchase of passenger buses, passenger school buses
2018-2019 EXPENDITURES Page 3 TOTAL BUDGET $53,514,870 100% Expense
Capital Expenditures $3,004,550 5.6% Charter School $30,907 .1% Special Revenue $553,063 1.0% Debt $541,800 Total Other Expenses $4,130,320 8% TOTAL BUDGET $53,514,870 100% Capital –SB Boiler/HVAC replacement SB Window Replacements
2018-2019 Capital Reserve Projects
Stony Brook Boiler/HVAC Replacement Stony Brook Window Replacement 18-19 Capital: SB HVAC & Boilers $1,746,250 SB Windows $ 981,500 Total $2,727,750 17-18 Capital: BW Roof $727,600 CAD Boiler/HVAC $877,000 CAD Roof $950,000 DBO Roof $677,900 Architect Fees $223,750 Security $199,370 TOTAL $3,655,620 16-17 Capital: Technology Infrastructure/Switches $524,000 CAD HVAC $500,000 Lighting Retrofit KDM/DBO/BW $234,331 CMS Boiler $300,000 KDM Boiler $551,250 KDM Roof $151,700
TAX INCREASE HISTORY General Fund Debt Service Total Tax
$38,968, % $199, $39,168, % $38,308, % $196, $38,504, % $38,637, % $471, $39,109, % $40,194, % $486, $40,681, % $40,547, % $476, $41,023, % $40,625, % $462, $41,088, % $41,032, % $451, $41,483, % $41,819, % $436, $42,255, % $42,655, % $425, $43,080, % $43,508, % $410, $43,919, % $44,378, % $409, $44,788, % $45,266, % $408, $45,675, %
TAX LEVY Fiscal Year Tax Levy Calendar Year Tax Levy
17-18 Levy $ 44,788, Levy $ 44,353,673 18-19 Levy $ 45,675, Levy $ 45,231,725 Increase $ , Increase $ ,052 % Increase 1.98% % Increase % CALENDAR YEAR TAX RATE 2017 Rate 2018 Rate Change (.00091) Municipal-Wide Reassessment has been completed in the Township Morris Hills Regional HS Tax Decrease on average home = (-$45.29) per year (Their tax levy is about $26 million) Morris Hills Regional HS Tax increase on average home = $15.61 Rockaway Township Municipal tax increase = about $43.82 per year on $311,537 home Rockaway Township Municipal tax increase = about $47.43 per year on $310,479 home
Tax Impact on Average Home
ASSESSED PROPERTY VALUE X = TOTAL TAX FOR AVERAGE HOME VALUE OF $337,285 Tax Increase = $23.19 / Year $1.94 / Month Average Property Value Average Property Value 18 Tax Increase $310, $337,285 (2017 tax rate) (2018 tax rate) $3, $3, $23.19
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