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Law - a presentation for NELLCO

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1 DigitalCommons@UM Law - a presentation for NELLCO

2 How it all began - 223 papers - 19,417 total downloads
Legal Scholarship Network University of Maryland School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper Series - started papers - 19,417 total downloads

3 Development work offsite
No hardware needed Upgrades and data migration managed Suitable for a single discipline Scalable Can handle text as well as other formats Affordable Customizable Outstanding customer support Uncomplicated implementation

4 Concerns Outsourcing an activity Giving up control of data
Security of data Extraction of data

5 Visualizing the repository

6 create new: ir_community ir_journal ir_series
contents of this site: ir_community: blc  bus_law  civ_rights  con_law  conferences  congtest  envir_law  health_care_law  home_sec  iclc  immclin  int_comp_law  law_faculty  maryland_legal_history  porc  schmooze  student_articles  umll_journals  wle  ir_series: blc_2005  blc_2006  blc_2007  bus_fac_pubs  civ_rights_fac_pubs  con_law_fac_pubs  cong_test  envir_law_fac_pubs  envirofilms  fac_pubs  health_law_fac_pubs  home_sec_fac_pubs  iclc_papers  imm_clin  int_comp_law_fac_pubs  jbtl  jhclp  mlh_pubs  mlr  rrgc  schm_2005_march  schmooze_papers  soceuro  student_pubs  wle_papers    create new:  ir_community  ir_journal  ir_series 6




10 Oh Shenandoah : an endangered American River


12 Download comparisons Monopoli
Author/Title posted SSRN DC Monopoli Gender and Constitutional Design / Stearns The New Commerce Clause / Graber Looking off the Ball /





17 The Library’s role: Mediate archiving Verify copyright status
Provide document processing Control look and feel Maintain a consistent format Serve as single point of contact

18 The Challenges Soliciting content Handling copyright permissions
Synchronizing SSRN and DC Enhancing the repository Adding faculty pages Raising the profile of the repository

19 Lessons Learned ******** Develop a policy and procedures manual
Raise the repository’s profile ******** 837 papers 85,142 full text downloads to date 46,869 downloads in the past year

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