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under House Bill 5 Community and Student Engagement*

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1 under House Bill 5 Community and Student Engagement*
Russell Elementary is an overall Recognized Campus under House Bill 5 Community and Student Engagement* BISD is rated overall Recognized for CASE* * House Bill 5, Section 46; Texas Education Code Section

2 Fine Arts Program rated Exemplary.
Russell Elementary has an excellent Fine Arts program. Some of the clubs include: Art Club Choir Drill Team Viejitos Russell Elementary

3 Wellness Program rated Recognized.
During the school year, students and teachers at Russell Elementary participated in numerous wellness activities. Pictured are students who took part in Oliveria’s Dolphin Dash and Russell’s own track Team. Russell Elementary

4 Community and Parental Involvement rated Acceptable.
Parental Involvement at Russell Elementary is greatly encouraged. Through out the year, parents were invited to participate in weekly meetings, community service projects, award ceremonies and simply to stop by the school and enjoy some curbside coffee. Russell Elementary

5 21st Century Workforce Development rated Exemplary.
Students at Russell Elementary had the opportunity to participate in different career exploration activities. Pictured are our career day presenters and some of our students interacting with them. Russell Elementary

6 Second Language Acquisition rated Exemplary.
During the students had the privilege to participate in many cultural activities. Some of these activities were: Dia de muertos, Dia del niño, Chinese New Year and Veteran’s Day. Russell Elementary

7 Digital Learning Environment rated Recognized.
Teachers at Russell Elementary attended professional development sessions focused on using technology as a tool to assist students’ learning. Some of the trainings received include: Office 365, Tango Trends and Review 360. Russell Elementary

8 Dropout Preventions Strategies rated Exemplary.
In order to increase the success rate of At- Risk students, Russell Elementary offered tutorial sessions all year long. Saturday Science Academies and the 21st Century Afterschool Program were also part of the strategies used during the school year. Russell Elementary

9 Educational Programs for G/T rated Acceptable.
All students at Russell Elementary identified as Gifted and Talented received instruction from appropriately trained teachers. These students were also highly encouraged to participate in showcase opportunities such as Brainsville, Science Fair, Destination Imagination and Chess. Russell Elementary

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