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Easter Sunday 2018 Jesus Lives.

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Presentation on theme: "Easter Sunday 2018 Jesus Lives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Easter Sunday 2018 Jesus Lives

2 The Mock Trial It was unlawful False witnesses were called to testify
Jesus was beaten The Apostle Peter denied knowing the Lord

3 Jesus appears before Pilate
The Chief Priests accuse Jesus Pilate releases Barabbas Pilate “washes his hands” Jesus is brutally beaten

4 The Crucifixion He was crucified between two thieves
Jesus is mocked by the crowd Jesus promises Paradise to a sinner Jesus said, “It is Finished!”

5 In the Tomb Joseph prepares the Lord’s body for burial
Jesus is placed in the tomb The tomb is guarded and sealed The stone was rolled away

6 He has Risen! Jesus appeared to the women
Jesus appeared to the Apostles Jesus appeared to many others Jesus ascended into heaven Jesus is coming again!

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