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Heart Part 1.

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1 Heart Part 1

2 Three major parts of the circulatory system
Blood The fluid that serves as the medium of transport Blood vessels A system of channels that conduct the blood through the body Heart A pump that keeps the blood circulating through the body

3 Flow of blood Right Atrium [Tricuspid Valve] Right Ventricle[Pulmonary Semilunar Valve] Right and Left Pulmonary Arteries  Lungs Pulmonary Veins  Left Atrium [Bicuspid Valve] Left Ventricle[Aortic Semilunar Valve] Aorta  Arteries  Arterioles Capillaries  Venules  Veins  Superior / Inferior Vena Cava  Right Atrium

4 Major Blood Vessels Pulmonary Arteries Pulmonary Veins Aorta
Leave the right ventricle and branch to the left/right, carrying deoxygenated blood to the lungs Pulmonary Veins The vein through which oxygenated blood from the lungs returns to the left atrium Aorta Takes oxygenated blood from the heart to the body

5 Inferior Vena Cava Returns blood to the heart from the legs, pelvis, and abdomen Superior Vena Cava Returns blood to the from the head and arms

6 Aorta Superior Vena Cava Pulmonary Artery Pulmonary Veins (right) Pulmonary Veins (left) Inferior Vena Cava

7 The Heart

8 Right Side Left Side Show the heart as if you were looking at someone laying in front of you. Therefore the sides are opposite to you

9 Anatomy of the Heart The hear has 4 chambers Left Atrium Right Atrium
Left Ventricle Right Ventricle Ventricles are separated by a septum

10 Atria Right Atrium Left Atrium
Receives deoxygenated blood from the body via the vena cava Left Atrium Receives oxygenated blood from the lungs via the pulmonary veins Pumps blood to the left ventricle

11 Ventricles Right ventricle Left Ventricle
Receives deoxygenated blood from the right atrium Pumps blood to the lungs via the pulmonary arteries Left Ventricle Receives oxygenated blood from the left atrium Pumps blood into the aorta

12 Septum The septum separates the left and right ventricles
Prevents oxygenated and deoxygenated blood from mixing in the heart

13 Aorta Superior Vena Cava Left Pulmonary Artery Right Pulmonary Artery
Left Pulmonary Veins Right Pulmonary Veins Inferior Vena Cava

14 Heart Valves Atrioventricular valves Semilunar Valves
Open one way between the atria and ventricles Prevent blood from flowing backwards into the atria Semilunar Valves Open one way between the ventricles and blood vessels that are coming out of the heart


16 Atrioventricular Valves (AV Valves)
Tricuspid Valve Between the right atrium and the right ventricle Bicuspid (mitral) Valve Between the left atrium and the left ventricle

17 Semilunar Valves Pulmonary Semilunar Valve Aortic Semilunar Valve
Between the right ventricle and pulmonary artery Aortic Semilunar Valve Between the left ventricle and aorta Pulmonary Semilunar Valve Aortic Semilunar Valve

18 Double Pump R L

19 The Heart Pulmonary Circulation Systemic Circulation Right Side
Left Side Receives deoxygenated blood from body tissue Pumps blood to the lungs Received oxygenated blood from lungs Pumps blood to the body tissue Pulmonary Circulation Systemic Circulation

20 Flow of blood Right Atrium [Tricuspid Valve] Right Ventricle[Pulmonary Semilunar Valve] Right and Left Pulmonary Arteries  Lungs Pulmonary Veins  Left Atrium [Bicuspid Valve] Left Ventricle[Aortic Semilunar Valve] Aorta  Arteries  Arterioles Capillaries  Venules  Veins  Superior / Inferior Vena Cava  Right Atrium

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