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TOPIC: Topic 4: Marketing LESSON TITLE: The Marketing Mix (Place)

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1 TOPIC: Topic 4: Marketing LESSON TITLE: The Marketing Mix (Place)
LEARNING INTENTION: To understand the elements of the place component of the Marketing Mix. COMPETENCY FOCUS: Creativity: learners will develop skills in creativity and design by firstly looking at how promotion is used in business to help them to reach their goals and secondly, to design their own promotional campaign responding to a creative brief from the client.  Reasoning: Learners will develop skills in reasoning as after providing advantages and disadvantages for the use of the promotional mix, you will be required to make a reasoned judgment. [IB Learner Profile Development: Open-minded] Success Criteria By the end of the lesson, I can… 1) Identify different channels of distribution 2) Explain different channels of distribution, using examples 3) Discuss the effectiveness of different types of distribution channel. SMSC: You will assess the organisational culture of businesses in terms of fundamental structure, purpose and strategy development. CRITICAL THINKING KEY: Knowledge Application Analysis Evaluation

2 The Marketing Mix Also known as the 4P’s (product)/7P’s (service)
Businesses must consider its marketing mix in order to market its products successfully To meet customer’s wants/needs, marketers must create the right product, at the right time, at the right price, make it available at the right place and let customers know about it through promotion.

3 The Marketing Mix [

4 PLACE Where is the product sold (UK, globally)?
Is the product sold through retailers, wholesalers, distributors, agents, direct to the customer? How is the product sold (face to face, via the internet, telephone/cold-calling)?

5 PLACE How a product is distributed. Manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer
Customer Manufacturer Customer How has the increase in online shopping had an effect on the above diagram? How will the diagram look in 5 years time?

HL Complete the following table, explaining the benefits and drawbacks of the main methods of distribution. TYPE/FEATURES EXAMPLES OF PRODUCTS SOLD IN THIS WAY BENEFITS DRAWBACKS Direct Selling One-intermediary Channel Two-intermediary Channel

7 HL 1) Research the meaning of the term ‘Supply Chain Management’ (SCM). 2) How can this increase the efficiency of a firm’s supply chain?

8 TASK: CASE STUDY Read the case study on pg and respond to the exam questions. [22marks, 40mins]

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