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Industrial Revolution

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1 Industrial Revolution

2 “Second” Agricultural Revolution
Agricultural productivity increases Enclosure system allows wealthy landowners to claim common land More land came under the control of fewer people. Poor farmers were displaced Jethro Tull’s seed drill prepares the land more efficiently by reducing waste of seeds. Charles Townsend’s crop rotation system maintains the fertility of the land.

3 Population Growth Greater efficiency in food production means a greater number of people can be supported by the land. As a result the population rapidly begins to grow.

4 Urbanization With greater efficiency in farming, fewer people are needed to farm. The growing population without work in the countryside begin to move to cities where manufacturing is beginning to grow.

5 Industrialization Before industrialization, merchants would contract work with people by providing materials for them to produce some item in their homes. he As new inventions and machinery replaced many tasks done by hand, the domestic (or “putting out”) system would be replaced by the factory system.

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