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S.D. Sudhoff, S.D. Pekarek, O. Wasynczuk, D. Aliprantis Spring 2017

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Presentation on theme: "S.D. Sudhoff, S.D. Pekarek, O. Wasynczuk, D. Aliprantis Spring 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 S.D. Sudhoff, S.D. Pekarek, O. Wasynczuk, D. Aliprantis Spring 2017
Modeling and Simulation of Power System Components Lecture Set 0: Course Policies and Syllabus S.D. Sudhoff, S.D. Pekarek, O. Wasynczuk, D. Aliprantis Spring 2017

2 Syllabus Modeling and Simulation Background (3-Sudhoff) Transformers (4-Sudhoff) Induction Machines (3.5-Pekarek) Wound Rotor Synchronous Machines (3.5-Pekarek) Transmission Lines (7-Wasynczuk) Transient Stability Studies for Terrestrial Power Grids (7-Aliprantis)

3 Course Text Papers, handouts, lectures notes will be distributed on Blackboard We will occasionally make use of material available from the Purdue libraries

4 Before You Take This Course
Prerequisites by Course ECE610 Prerequisites by Topic. Undergraduate Course in Electromagnetics Linear Algebra Some Exposure to Magnetic Equivalent Circuits Reference Frame Theory Steady-State Analysis of Transformers Steady-State Analysis of Synchronous Machines Steady-State Analysis of Induction Machines Transmission Lines

5 Software Matlab Simulink

6 Contact Information Instructors Scott Sudhoff, Wang 2057, , Steve Pekarek, Wang 2059, , Oleg Wasynczuk, Wang 2061, , Dionysios Aliprantis, Wang 2055, , Course Web Site: None Materials posted on Blackboard Area Web Site

7 Secretary: Christine (Chris) Ramsey
Contact Information (Cont.) Secretary: Christine (Chris) Ramsey Office: Wang 2080 Phone:

8 Homework On campus: homework should be turned in on paper at the beginning of class on the due date. Off campus: homework should be turned in as a single PDF file of the form ECE633_HWX_by_JaneDoe.pdf mailed to (or as otherwise directed) by 10:00 pm of your local time. Homework will occasionally be somewhat different for on and off-campus students when necessary. This will be indicated on a per-problem basis. Homework will be assigned approximately every other week. You may freely discuss your homework with other students; however, individual work is expected. Late homework will be docked 15 points per day late. It won’t be accepted if more than 3 days late.

9 Exams and Final Grade Each instructor will assign approximately two homeworks/projects. Each instructor will then determine a numerical score based on those projects (the ~2 projects may not be equally weighted). The instructor will also curve the scores at this point to correspond to a straight scale scheme. The four instructor scores will then be averaged (equal weighting) and used to determine a final score. The +/- grading system will be used to determine a grade from a final score, i.e. A- is 90-93, A is 94-96, A+ is , etc.

10 Cheating At minimum, cheating will result in a zero on the assignment in question. All instances of cheating, even suspected cheating, will be reported to the ECE Assistant Head for Education and the Assistant Dean of Students.

11 Disclaimer on Policies
In the event of a worldwide pandemic, asteroid impact, global flood, Sharknado, Green Slime (see the 1968 movie – it could happen), invasion of space-alien homework-eating cyborg super beagles, or other such event, class policies may be adjusted midcourse. Information will be posted on Blackboard.

12 Emergency Preparedness
To report an emergency, call To obtain updates regarding an ongoing emergency, sign up for Purdue Alert text messages, view There are nearly 300 Emergency Telephones outdoors across campus and in parking garages that connect directly to the PUPD. If you feel threatened or need help, push the button and you will be connected immediately. If we hear a fire alarm during class we will immediately suspend class, evacuate the building, and proceed outdoors. Do not use the elevator. If we are notified during class of a Shelter in Place requirement for a tornado warning, we will suspend class and shelter in the basement. If we are notified during class of a Shelter in Place requirement for a hazardous materials release, or a civil disturbance, including a shooting or other use of weapons, we will suspend class and shelter in the classroom, shutting the door and turning off the lights. Please review the Emergency Preparedness website for additional information One final piece of Purdue business before we begin: as we start this semester I want to take a few minutes to discuss emergency preparedness. Purdue University is a very safe campus and there is a low probability that a serious incident will occur here. However, just as we receive a safety briefing each time we get on an aircraft, we want to emphasize our emergency procedures for evacuation and shelter in place incidents. Our preparedness will be critical if an unexpected event occurs. Purdue prepares for natural disasters or human‑caused incidents with the ultimate goal of maintaining a safe and secure campus, but nin the end, emergency preparedness is your personal responsibility. Let’s quickly review the following procedures:

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