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(Venus Atmospheric Student Team)

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Presentation on theme: "(Venus Atmospheric Student Team)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (Venus Atmospheric Student Team)
V.A.S.T. (Venus Atmospheric Student Team)

2 Primary Objectives Measure dynamic pressure Temperature
Velocity to pinpoint exact altitude Survive through sulfuric acid clouds and slightly beyond

3 Design A Aerodynamic torpedo-like design.
Easily breaks through cloud layer Hollow core to house measuring equipment Design volume: in³ with new mass limit




7 Design B Bullet-like design Aerodynamically balanced
Sacrificial layers Hollow interior core for instruments Design volume: in³ with original dimensions



10 FOM Weights

11 Final Design

12 Instruments Used Pressure Transducer (Pitot Probe) Thermocouple
Accelerometer Instruments Used

13 Suggested Materials (able to withstand sulfuric acid)
Tantalum - alloy friendly – Melting point of ˚C Durinet – lightweight – lb/in³ Hasteloy B – lb/in³

14 Team Members and Positions
Trevor Montgomery- Project Manager Alex Johnson-Systems Engineer, Team A leader William Orman- Team B leader Caleb Wozniak- General Research Jonathan Kirsch- Materials Research Sean Goodman- Instruments Research Courtney Johnson- Dimensional Analyst Lindsay Boonarkat- Dimensional Analyst & mission patch designer

15 Issues to Solve Unknown atmospheric composition
Rate of decay of outer shell

16 Q and A

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