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Wyoming Department of Agriculture

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1 Wyoming Department of Agriculture
Technical Services A division of the Wyoming Department of Agriculture

2 Technical Services Goals:
Assure that consumer products are safe and truthfully marketed Reduce human health related hazards Expand opportunities to promote protection of our natural resources

3 Technical Services Goals:
Provide education to the private sector in all program areas Foster partnerships with the public and federal, state, county & local agencies

4 Technical Services The Technical Services Division is comprised of seven major program areas Administration Plant Industry Weight & Measures Weed & Pest Pesticide Program Rodent & Predator Grain Warehouse

5 Technical Services Administration:
The administrative functions are primarily: Administrative Support Apiary Registration Commercial and Private Pesticide Applicator Licensing

6 Technical Services Administration:
The administrative functions are primarily: Establishment Licensing Product Registration Registering Weights & Measures Service Technicians

7 Technical Services Administration:
The administrative functions are primarily: Permitting Pilots & Gunners for Aerial Hunting of Predators Pesticide and Predator Aircraft Licensing

8 Technical Services Plant Industry:
The Plant Industry functions are primarily: Apiary (honey bee) inspection Leaf Cutter Bee inspection & sampling

9 Technical Services Plant Industry:
The Plant Industry functions are primarily: Feed, Seed and Fertilizer sampling & label reviews Commodity grading (dry beans, potatoes)

10 Technical Services Plant Industry:
The Plant Industry functions are primarily: Nursery Stock & Greenhouse inspections Export Certification

11 Technical Services Weights & Measures:
The Weights & Measures functions include the testing, inspection & certification of: Large Capacity (vehicle/livestock/mineral) scales Small/Medium (e.g grocery store/platform) Capacity Scales

12 Technical Services Weights & Measures:
The Weights & Measures functions include the testing, inspection & certification of: Gas Pumps Package Checking

13 Technical Services Weed & Pest: The Weed & Pest functions include:
Manages and coordinates weed and pest activities for the State among Wyoming Weed and Pest Control Districts, Wyoming Weed and Pest Council, Federal agencies, Municipalities, Trade Associations, other states, and other organizations as well as the private sector

14 Technical Services Weed & Pest: The Weed & Pest functions include:
Coordinates and manages grant programs from the federal and state agencies which benefit the Weed and Pest District programs

15 Technical Services Weed & Pest: The Weed & Pest functions include:
Assists Districts in the management of state designated or declared noxious weeds and pests on private, state, federal and municipally owned lands Coordinates the Emergency Insect Management Program

16 Technical Services Pesticide Program:
The Pesticide Program functions include: Compliance Assistance and enforcement of the WY Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1973 Compliance Assistance with EPA Rules and Regulations

17 Technical Services Pesticide Program:
The Pesticide Program functions include: Training, licensing, certification and/or inspection of pesticide users, dealers, commercial applicators and public agencies using restricted use pesticides

18 Technical Services Pesticide Program:
The Pesticide Program functions include: Management of the pesticide/groundwater State Management Plan (SMP) Work Protection Standards (WPS) Training & Enforcement

19 Technical Services Rodent & Predator Program:
The Rodent & Predator Program functions include: Administrative support for the Animal Damage Management Board (Governor Appointed) for enhancement of wildlife and a decrease in livestock loss caused by depredation

20 Technical Services Rodent & Predator Program:
The Rodent & Predator Program functions include: Coordination of activities with the State Predatory Animal Advisory Board Coordination of activities with the 23 County Predatory Animal Districts

21 Technical Services Rodent & Predator Program:
The Rodent & Predator Program functions include: Training of pesticide applicators for the M-44, Livestock Protection Collar, and small animal management supplies and techniques

22 Technical Services Rodent & Predator Program:
The Rodent & Predator Program functions include: Working with Federal, State, County, local agencies and related wildlife and livestock associations in areas of wildlife and predatory animal issues

23 Technical Services Rodent & Predator Program:
The Rodent & Predator Program functions include: Issuance of aerial hunting permits to pilots and gunners in accordance with the state and federal laws Predator aircraft licensing

24 Technical Services Grain Warehouse Program:
The Grain Warehouse Program functions include: Audit of grain warehouses records Audit of grower owned commodities held in storage at the facility

25 Technical Services Technical Services Summary:
Is comprised of 20 Staff Members Is guided in its functions under fourteen (14) Wyoming laws: Apiary, Seed, Feed, Fertilizer, Animal Remedies, Nursery Stock, Grain Warehouse, Leaf Cutter Bee, Pesticide, Weights & Measures, and Predator Control

26 Technical Services Technical Services Summary:
Operates four (4) laboratories: 2 Bean Grading Labs 1 Leaf Cutter Bee Lab 1 Metrology (Weights & Measures Lab)

27 Technical Services Technical Services Summary:
Inspection equipment – large & small: 5-Gallon Prover Package Checking Russell Balance Balance

28 Technical Services Technical Services Summary:
Inspection equipment – large & small: High Volume Prover lb. Scale lb. Test Weights Test Kit

29 Technical Services Technical Services Summary:
Inspection equipment – large & small: 5 Gallon Seed Probe Test Measure

30 Technical Services Technical Services Summary:
Inspections will require heavy lifting Including Test Equipment Bagged & Packaged Commodities

31 Technical Services Technical Services Summary:
Inspections will require strenuous physical activity: Climbing ladders onto platforms or other potentially dangerous elevations walking on trailers and lifting objects while standing on trailers, ladders or platforms

32 Technical Services Technical Services Summary:
Working in Technical Services requires a mechanical aptitude that spans a wide range of equipment, both using and in maintaining --- including: Large vehicles and scale trucks Refined and compressed gas meter provers – large and small testing trailers

33 Technical Services Technical Services Summary:
Mechanical aptitude skills – continued: working/maintaining pickup trucks, motors, pumps You may also be required to change tires Hookup, tow, and level test trailers Determine safe operability of equipment based on sound, change or repair valves, pumps or other plumbing and electrical fittings or parts

34 Technical Services Technical Services Summary: For more information:
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