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The Antecedents of Functionalism

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Presentation on theme: "The Antecedents of Functionalism"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Antecedents of Functionalism

2 The Functionalist Protest
Structuralism was too limiting What does the mind do? Functionalism is all about applying knowledge

3 Evolution before Darwin
Plato and Aristotle Christian thoughtDivine Creation Erasmus Darwin Set it and forget it Jean Lemark Environmental changes result in structural changes Charles Lyell

4 Humans and Ape-like creatures

5 Charles Darwin ( ) Party Boy from Rich Family

6 HMS Beagle Captain Fitzroy was a deeply religious man
Trip lasted from

7 Journey of the HMS Beagle

8 Survival of the Fittest (or good enough)

9 The constant battle between creationism and evolutionary perspectives exists today

10 Darwin’s Contribution
A focus on animal psychology, which formed the basis of comparative psychology An emphasis on the functions rather than the structure of functions The acceptance of methodology and data from Many fields A focus on the description and measurement of individual differences.

11 Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911) Darwin’s Cousin Hereditary Genius
Eugenics: Good genes

12 Statistical methods Mental tests Association of Ideas Mental Imagery Arithmetic by Smell

13 George John Romanes (1848-1894)
Anecdotal method: the use of observational reports about animal behavior. Introspection by analogy: a technique for studying animal behavior by assuming that the same mental processes that occur in the observer’s mind also occur in the animal’s mind/

14 Romanes believed cats were the most intelligent of all creatures

15 Ontogeny recapitulates Phylogeny

16 C. Lloyd Morgan (Lloyd Morgan’s Canon). The notion that animal behavior must not be attributed to a higher mental process when it can be explained by a lower mental process

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