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HYDROMETRIC SITE SELECTION Training for PNG Power Port Moresby July 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "HYDROMETRIC SITE SELECTION Training for PNG Power Port Moresby July 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 HYDROMETRIC SITE SELECTION Training for PNG Power Port Moresby July 2012

2 SITE SELECTION CRITERIA (GENERAL) Occupational Health and Safety Occupational Health and Safety Purpose Purpose Vandalism Vandalism Power requirements Power requirements Telemetry requirements Telemetry requirements Permissive occupancy Permissive occupancy Accessibility Accessibility

3 SITE SELECTION CRITERIA (METEOROLOGICAL) Minimal effects from wind Minimal effects from wind X


5 SITE SELECTION CRITERIA (METEOROLOGICAL) 1:4 ratio of surrounding features1:4 ratio of surrounding features X Minimum 4x

6 SITE SELECTION CRITERIA (METEOROLOGICAL) Height of rim above GL (30-100cm)Height of rim above GL (30-100cm) Standard Rain Gauge (Daily Read) Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge 300mm 1000mm

7 Typical Meteorological Installations

8 Vandalism- Meteorological

9 SITE SELECTION CRITERIA (STREAM) Control (stable & sensitive) Control (stable & sensitive) Straight section (min.100m upstream & downstream) Straight section (min.100m upstream & downstream) Contained flow (no side channels) Contained flow (no side channels) Subterranean flow Subterranean flow Stable bed and banks Stable bed and banks Gauge pool (aquatic growth, depth, negligible approach velocities) Gauge pool (aquatic growth, depth, negligible approach velocities) Location of instrumentation Location of instrumentation Survey marks Survey marks Downstream effects (tidal, water storages) Downstream effects (tidal, water storages) Low, Medium and High flow gauging sections Low, Medium and High flow gauging sections Water quality considerations Water quality considerations

10 Typical Stream Gauging Station Installations


12 Vandalism- Stream


14 References World Meteorological Organisation – Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO No.168) World Meteorological Organisation – Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO No.168) Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority – Hydrographic Course (September 1966) Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority – Hydrographic Course (September 1966) AS3778 Measurement of water flow in open channels AS3778 Measurement of water flow in open channels

15 ? Questions ?

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