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The 5 Day MBA in Human Resources

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1 The 5 Day MBA in Human Resources
28th Jan. – 2nd Feb. 2018 InterContinental Hotel Bangkok, Thailand

2 Introduction This compact training examines how to develop and master the key areas of Human Resources. HR is changing beyond recognition from the days of the old Personnel Departments. HR is now recognized as a source of competitive advantage and as a predictor of future business performance. This exciting program will bring you up to date on the latest techniques and approaches that are appropriate in effective management of Human Resources

3 Objectives To Know and be able to explain the activities now expected to get the maximum from the Human Resource To Use a strategic model and to be able to create business plans To Improve on HRM processes by being able to use business process mapping To Improve performance management, training, personal development, succession planning, and recruitment effectiveness in HR by applying the latest thinking and approaches To Learn about the new structure of effective HR departments

4 Who Should Attend? This training is designed for all HR and ER professionals, HR and Personnel Officers, leaders, supervisors and engineers, in fact anyone who wishes to significantly improve their understanding of HR would benefit from this training

5 Training Outline Day 1: The changing world of business and its impact on the Human Resource Function Day 2: Employee Relations – maintaining standard Day 3: Recruitment Day 4: Employee Motivation; Empowerment and Performance Management Day 5: Performance Management; Making the links between HR and the Business

6 Day 1: The changing world of business and its impact on the Human Resource Function

7 Management Philosophy
The context for HR INTERNAL FORCES EXTERNAL FORCES Strategy /Leadership Political Organization Culture Legal Management Philosophy Economics Unions Technology National Culture Professional bodies

8 EXTERNAL FORCES Political and Legal
Three constitutes of political environment The legislature - السلطة التشريعية Executive Judiciary

9 EXTERNAL FORCES Political and Legal The Legislature The Executive
It means parliament ,national assembly, provincial assembly and senate The Executive Popularly known as government, who implement rules and regulations (bureaucracy, federal, provincial, and district government) The Judiciary the main function of judiciary is to make sure that legislature and executives are working in accordance with constitution/law and in public interest

10 EXTERNAL FORCES Political and Legal Forces impact on HR Labor Laws
For Example: term and conditions of employment, wages and working conditions, discrimination in employment based on race, gender, religion etc.

11 EXTERNAL FORCES Economic Economic factors which affects HR functions
Economic growth - Competitors Industrial Labour (laws, preference) - Customers National population Per Capita income Suppliers (employment agencies, institutes)

12 EXTERNAL FORCES Economic Factors Suppliers
Economic factor-Suppliers For HR department suppliers are those who provide human resource to organization. These suppliers are Employment exchanges universities Colleges training institutes consulting firms competitors , causal labor contract organization EXTERNAL FORCES Economic Factors Suppliers Those who provide Human Resources to the organization Employment Agencies Educational Institutes Training Institutes Consulting Firms Competitors

13 EXTERNAL FORCES Globalization has significant influence on HR polices and functions HR Functions are being performed in global perspective Employee hiring Training Motivation Compensation Retaining

14 TECHNOLOGICAL Five ways in which technology can effect HR functions
More intellectual jobs Virtual teams Jobs becoming more challenging and rewarding More interaction Employees are more knowledgeable

15 CULTURAL FORCES Culture influence the HR functions
Culture make personality of people who become member of organization Sub cultures within Culture People from different cultural background, work in organization that make another distinct culture

16 CULTURAL FORCES Attitude towards work and belief (for example: destiny is fixed) Time Orientation (past, present and future) For example: American Society (present, retain employees as far as useful for organization. Japanese (futuristic, hire employee for long term) Work ethics (moral values): hard work and commitment. Need for achievement take higher responsibility Preferences or confinement to specific occupation and regions (Muslim may not prefer to work in Europe, Family business (comfort zone)

17 INTERNAL FORCES Strategy (long term growth or short term profit)
Task (job itself have effect on employee motivation, job enrichment) Leadership (define HR policies and practices) Unions (WAPDA, PTCL) Organizational culture (represent by its people, work believes, norms, work ethics, history) for example GM believes in product innovation Professional bodies (PEC, PMDC) define code of ethics, accreditation

The environment often provides a glimpse لمحة of information What to accept or reject is mostly based on concepts Enacted Environment: (organization creates its own environment, define its environment based on external environment to react) Disadvantages: Narrower perspective (US automaker ignore Japanese companies) Advantages: Proactive approach

Domain and Domain Consensus إجماع Deciding domain and scope of the organization Range of product to offer, geographical region, services, target population (this makes task easy) Lack of Domain consensus create conflict

Task Environment It identifies the technology to be employed and strategies to be followed Immediate outside environment For example: Growth vs Retrenchment Strategy تخفيض النفقات

Trends and projections of factors that might affect the organization Scanning help to give filter information HR department provides feedback for policy making HR department responsible to scan the environment relating to human resources and labor market issues Role of Boundary Spanning linking organization with environment

22 Summary Factors that affect HR practices and Policies
Internal and External Forces HR has key role in environmental scanning Environmental scanning is critical to devise policy and strategy direction in right way Futuristic approach


24 Strategic Business Planning
Business planning is necessary for company growth and success. Business plans provide companies with the tools to track growth, establish a budget and prepare for unforeseen changes in the market place. A strategic plan includes many elements a business can utilize to attract financing and manage company objectives. To optimize strategic business planning, businesses must clearly define company goals and conduct extensive research to properly understand industry trends.

25 Strategic Business Planning – Def.
A strategic business plan is a written document that pairs the objectives of a company with the needs of the market place. Although a strategic business plan contains similar elements of a traditional plan, a strategic plan takes planning a step further by not only defining company goals but utilizing those goals to take advantage of available business opportunities. This is achieved by carefully analyzing a particular business industry and being honest about your company's strength and weakness in meeting the needs of the industry

26 Characteristics A strategic business plan includes extensive market research, industry trends and competitor analyses. A strategic plan will include the components of a traditional plan, such as an executive summary, marketing analysis and financial statements, but a strategic plan will be more specific on how the company will go about achieving company goals. For example, a strategic business plan will attempt to identify a target market, narrow it down to a manageable size, and establish a strategy for acquiring those customers.

27 Benefits The plan can serve as an outline for successful completion of company milestones. Company owners are in a better position to not only understand their business but become experts in their industries. A strategic plan helps executives understand the direction in which their company is headed by reviewing past progress and making changes to improve and grow. The plan is an organizational tool that helps to keep a company on track to meet growth and financial objectives.

28 Misconceptions Many small business owners feel that strategic business plans are for large companies and big businesses. However, according to the Small Business Administration, a strategic business plan can benefit companies of all sizes and can be a great advantage to small businesses. Small businesses may utilize the document to develop the strategies necessary to attract and retain the customers it needs to succeed.


30 Corporate Social Responsibility
is a corporation's initiatives to assess and take responsibility for the company's effects on environmental and social wellbeing. CSR may also be referred to as "corporate citizenship" and can involve incurring short-term costs that do not provide an immediate financial benefit to the company, but instead promote positive social and environmental change.

31 Corporate Social Responsibility

32 Human Capital Management
Definition Human Capital Management is an approach to employee staffing that perceives people as assets (human capital) whose current value can be measured and whose future value can be enhanced through investment. Example The Pat Company does not have the infrastructure to answer customer questions after the sale of their product. Therefore, they outsource this process to another company. The AVC Corporation is a call center company that specializes in taking care of Pat's customers. The biggest asset that the AVC Corporation has is its call center employees. Upper management at AVC spends a lot of time reviewing, adjusting, preserving, and maintaining their employees - their human capital.

33 Taking Care of Human Capital
As an organization grows, it injects capital back into its companies. Typically, when someone thinks about capital, they think of monies being put into equipment, buildings, research, and development. However, many organizations now invest in their human capital and work on strategies to reinforce this asset. Below are a few ways that organizations invest in their human capital: Training Higher wages Health and exercise programs Reimbursement for educational expenses Family support through healthcare and counseling services

34 Human Resources Role The ongoing development and investing in human capital has become an important part of the Human Resources Department. This department is now seen as having an important role in helping the organization achieve its mission and goals. Already a key member of the executive team, Human Resources (HR) is being looked upon to evaluate every area of the workforce to maximize the organization's return on human capital. A great HR department should match the roles, skills, and people into the right positions within the organization.

35 How to make things happen – use of business action plan
Ex1. One page action plan

36 The difference between HRM and Personnel Management
Video 2

37 Day 2: Employee Relations – maintaining standard

38 The need for standards In 2009, ANSI (American National Standards Institute) designated SHRM (the Society of Human Resource Management) the exclusive developer of HR standards in the US. In 2011, the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) ratified a proposal for SHRM to lead a group charged with creating global HR standards. Since then, SHRM has published three HR standards: cost-per-hire, workplace violence prevention and intervention, and performance management.

39 List of ISO HR Standards catalogue

40 Distinction between the role of HR and the line manager
Role of the Line Manager Line managers are more production- and goal-oriented, as it is their role to make or save money for the company. Line managers are often referred to as supervisors, if at a more entry-level stage. Line managers are more hands-on oriented and responsible for getting the work done, maintaining employee performance and handling disciplinary issues. The Role of the Human Resource Manager The human resources manager has a legal and moral responsibility to both the employee and the company with a much broader scope. Unlike the line manager, he is not directly responsible for the employee's performance. His role is to see that any issues are dealt with fairly, legally and in accordance with company policy.

41 Distinction between the role of HR and the line manager
Perceptions Line managers can see human resource managers as a hindrance and more like a "policy-manual-thumping" police department. Conversely, human resource managers can see line managers as "walking lawsuits" due to the lack of training and understanding of employment laws. Solution Human resources managers should spend time with the line manager in learning the business and how goals are achieved. Line managers should be trained by human resources managers in legal and employee relations issues.

42 Equal opportunities Discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation is illegal. However certain groups, such as third country nationals and ethnic minorities, face difficulties in accessing the world of work. Supporting their labour market participation is fundamental for ensuring equality of opportunities, and becomes an economic imperative in a context of ageing workforce

43 Handling grievances – case studies
Case Study 1

44 Day 3: Recruitment

45 The use of competencies
Competence is the ability of an individual to do a job properly. A competency is a set of defined behaviors that provide a structured guide enabling the identification, evaluation and development of the behaviors in individual employees Competencies are also what people need to be successful in their jobs. Identifying employee competencies can contribute to improved organizational performance. They are most effective if they meet several critical standards, including linkage to, and leverage within an organization's human resource system.

46 Dreyfus and Dreyfus on competency development
Dreyfus and Dreyfus introduced nomenclature for the levels of competence in competency development. The causative reasoning of such a language of levels of competency may be seen in their paper on Calculative Rationality titled, "From Socrates to Expert Systems: The Limits and Dangers of Calculative Rationality

47 The five levels proposed by Dreyfus and Dreyfus
Novice: Rule-based behaviour, strongly limited and inflexible Experienced Beginner: Incorporates aspects of the situation Practitioner: Acting consciously from long-term goals and plans Knowledgeable practitioner: Sees the situation as a whole and acts from personal conviction Expert: Has an intuitive understanding of the situation and zooms in on the central aspects

48 Assessment Centers – examples of exercises
Competency-based interview. Competency-based interviews are a structured form of interview where you will be asked a series of standard questions. Psychometric assessments. Group-based exercises. Presentation exercise. Case study exercise with written report. Role play. Inbox/in-tray exercise. Meet and greet session.

49 https://www. trytalentq

50 Structured Interviews
A structured interview is an assessment method designed to measure job-related competencies of candidates by systematically inquiring about their behavior in past experiences and/or their proposed behavior in hypothetical situations. Generally speaking, structured interviews ensure candidates have equal opportunities to provide information and are assessed accurately and consistently. Structured interviews are popular because they are more personal than other assessment methods.

51 Other benefits of structured interviews
They can evaluate competencies that are difficult to measure using other assessment methods (e.g., Interpersonal Skills) All candidates are asked the same predetermined questions in the same order All responses are evaluated using the same rating scale and standards for acceptable answers

52 Questioning Techniques
Competency based questions are interview questions that require candidates to provide real-life examples as the basis of their answers. Candidates should explain why they made certain decisions, how they implemented these decisions and why certain outcomes took place.

53 What Competencies Do Recruiters Look For?
Communication. For example: Tell us about a time you had to adjust your communication approach to suit a particular audience. Decision making. For example: Give an example of a time when you had to make a difficult decision. Leadership. For example: Describe a situation when you assumed the role of leader. Were there any challenges, and how did you address them? Results orientation. For example: Give me an example of a time when you were particularly successful. Teamwork. For example: Describe a situation in which you were working as part of a team. How did you make a contribution? Trustworthiness. For example: Give me an example of a time you were deceptive.

54 Day 4: Employee Motivation; Empowerment and Performance Management

55 What is empowerment? Employee empowerment is giving employees a certain degree of autonomy and responsibility for decision-making regarding their specific organizational tasks.

56 How are employees motivated?

57 Day 5: Performance Management; Making the links between HR and the Business

58 The performance management model
“Performance management is a continuous process of identifying, measuring and developing the performance of individuals and aligning performance with the strategic goals of the organization” (Aguinis, 2009)

59 Management or Leadership?

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