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Cold War Talks.

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Presentation on theme: "Cold War Talks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cold War Talks

2 Cold War The Competition that developed between the U.S. and the USSR for power and influence in the world.

3 Collective Security Mutual Military Assistance

4 Arms Race The Struggle to gain weapons superiority.

5 Nuclear Deterrence The policy of making the military power of the U.S. and its allies so strong that no enemy would dare attack for fear of retaliation.

6 Iron Curtain The area of Communist domination and oppression. First used by Winston Churchill in March 1946 in Fulton Missouri, “ An iron curtain has descended across the continent”

7 Containment The American Policy of trying to stop the spread of Communism from spreading to any other parts of the World.

8 Warsaw Pact A response to NATO that consisted of the Soviet Union and its satellite nations in Eastern Union.

9 Brinkmanship Risking nuclear war to protect American national interest

10 Domino Theory If one of Southeast Asian nations falls to Communism, the others would also fall.

11 NATO A protective alliance that included the US, and its allies and agreed that “an armed attack against one or more of them shall be considered an attack against them all.”

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