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Neoliberalism Emphasis on economic growth through reducing the size of the Federal gov’t & stimulating private sector Increase taxes on rich, cut taxes.

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2 Neoliberalism Emphasis on economic growth through reducing the size of the Federal gov’t & stimulating private sector Increase taxes on rich, cut taxes on poor Increased globalization of the economy

3 Trade North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade (GATT) World Trade Organization (WTO)

4 Major Foreign Affairs Oslo Accords: attempt at Israeli-Palestinian Peace Bosnia & Kosovo

5 Haiti Threatened to send in troops…sent Jimmy Carter instead…to restore democratic gov’t. Somalia Ultimately w/d troops sent in by Bush Anarchy Rwanda Genocide…Clinton is slow to act “The worst failure. I blew it.”

6 Global Terrorism World Trade Center
American Embassies in Kenya & Tanzania UUS Cole, Yemen

7 Domestic Terrorism Waco, TX Oklahoma City Columbine HS, Littleton, CO
The Unabomber

8 Neoliberalism at Home Family Medical Leave Act
Improved college student aid program Comprehensive Health Care Plan Defeated by Congress Republican Response= “Contract with America”

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