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Welcome to Biology with Ms. Poole

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Biology with Ms. Poole"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Biology with Ms. Poole
Welcome to Biology with Ms. Poole! Get the papers from the table by the door and have a seat

2 Curious Question What do you already know about biology? What do you think we will learn about in this class?

3 The Name Game Get up from your seat and find someone else in the room (ideally someone you don’t know). Tell them your name and give them an explanation about where you name came from Were you named after a family member? Celebrity? A location? Do you like your name? If not, what would you rather be called? If so, why do you like it?

4 Introductions Graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a major in biology and minor in chemistry I just finished my masters degree in microbiology from the University of Florida I taught the last 4 years in Washington, D.C I enjoy cooking, college basketball, and reading I also really love teaching!

5 A good teacher is …….

6 Teacher Expectations I will respect the effort you put into each class
I will understand the pressure and stress you feel outside and inside of school I will work hard to make fun and engaging lessons I will give you feedback on your work in a timely manner I will smile and have fun! 

7 A bad teacher is ….

8 Classroom Expectations
1. Keep a positive attitude towards the content, each other, and the teacher 2. Be prepared and on time by being in your seat by the time the bell rings 3. Respect our space by keeping food and drink out of the classroom 4. Keep all electronic devices (cell phones) and headphones/earbuds in your bag and out of sight

9 Interventions and Rewards
1st offense: Warning and Student-Teacher Conference 2nd offense: Parent Call 3rd offense: Detention and Parent-Teacher Conference >3rd offense: Referral Rewards: good call home, homework pass, movies, outside activities, field trips

10 My Classroom Philosophy
RESPECT! I respect each of you for all that you do every day and I expect respect from you for what I do I also expect that you respect each other

11 Entering Class 1. Pick up papers and warm-up notebook on your way in
2. Pick up work from your ‘graded work folder’ 3. Turn in any assignment into the box or put homework out on your desk 4. Being working on your warm up (even if the bell hasn’t rung yet)

12 Curious Questions You will need a notebook for your warm-ups/exit tickets each day It can be a 1 subject or composition notebook Have by Friday at the latest Each day, a question will be on the board Write the question, and then answer it the best you can This will equal 50 participation (informal) points a week You will leave your warm-up notebook in the room, and pick it up each day as you enter class

13 During Class Keep a positive attitude towards your learning and your classmates Bring your best to all activities! ASK QUESTIONS! There will be no use of electronic devices during class. I see it …. Once- I hold on to your device until the end of class Twice- I hold on to your device and notify your parents More than twice- I arrange with your parents for you to check your phone in and out of my classroom No one is allowed out of class the first or last 10 minutes of class. Bathroom breaks kept to a minimum Only one student out of the room at a time

14 Leaving Class 1. Turn in any assignments 2. Complete exit ticket
3. Return warm up notebook 4. Write down your homework in your planner (or anywhere) Homework is written on the board, posted on Instagram, and posted on the class website every day

15 Homework Packets Each Monday (or the first day of the week) you will receive a packet of homework containing an article, reading comprehension questions, and extra practice to help you retain the information we are learning that week Day 1: Read and annotate the article Day 2: Answer the reading analysis questions Day 3: Practice Sheet 1 Day 4: Practice Sheet 2 The packet will be due Friday at the beginning of class I will check for completion of the packet each day at the beginning of class You will get a stamp if you completed the work fully and on time

16 Biology Binders 2 or 3-inch 3-ring binder 3 dividers:
Notes Classwork Homework 1 Subject Notebook/Composition Notebook! Have supplies by Friday (if possible, if not-see me)

17 Tardiness You are considered tardy if you are not across the threshold of the door by the time the bell stops ringing. The door will lock, and you will be sent to lock-out Students that are tardy will not receive credit for that day’s curious question

18 Absence from Class Classwork from the week can be found in the folders at the front of the room Classwork and homework will also be posted on the class website ( I will accept ed assignments  It is your responsibility to make up your assignments and see me with any questions

19 Missing Work Excused absence: 5 days to turn in work
Unexcused absence: Individual decision Present on day it was due: Individual decision, points deducted

20 Grading System Formal: 70% Informal: 30%
Tests, papers, projects Minimum of 4 Informal: 30% Classwork, warm-ups, quizzes, group work, participation You will be told what type of grade each assignment is

21 Power Grades Grades will be updated every 10 working days

22 Lab Safety Sheets much be signed and returned to me to keep on file
Lab safety information is posted on the class website for you to review

23 Where can I get help? Tuesdays after school from 2:30-3:30
Any morning from 6:45-7:20! Any other time- just let me know you are coming Or me anytime!

24 Communication Class Website: Remind 101
text with the

25 Scenario You discover a new weight loss pill! Unfortunately, scientists in 10 other countries have also discovered it. It is now up to you to design the best experiment and publish your results before the other scientists do. Design an experiment to test the effectiveness of the pill Complete this on a sheet of paper with your group

26 Testing a weight loss pill
IV: DV: Control: Constants:

27 Unit 1 Plan 8/28: Expectations, Lab Safety
8/29: Experimental Design, Bacteria Bound Lab 8/30: Lab report, experimental design tutorial 8/31: Living vs. Nonliving 9/1: Quest (quiz/test) 1

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