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Africa and Eastern Front

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1 Africa and Eastern Front

2 Blitzkrieg Hitler utilizes “lighting war” against Poland in at dawn on September 1st, 1939. Poland falls in 5 weeks. The Soviets invade Eastern Poland on Sept. 7th and the “Winter War”. Britain and France declare war on Germany on Sept. 3. The British retreat from Dunkirk in June of 1940, leaving France for the Germans.

3 The Desert Fox Decorated veteran of WWI
Led the panzer units into France. Chosen to take the Afrika Corps to Africa and help the Italians. Respected by his own men, along with the enemy. Never accused of war crimes. Excellent tactician.

4 Bernard Montgomery WWI Veteran
Brought in to turn around the war in Africa. Rommel’s adversary. Huge boost to morale. Tried to make himself visible to the troops. Controversial methods of warfare.

5 El Alamein July – Oct. 1942 The British and Allies had suffered numerous defeats by the Germans. Montgomery took command and began to train and rearm the British 8th Army. In October the 8th Army decisively defeats the Afrikacorps. The British continue to push the Germans westward into Tunisia.


7 Operation Torch November 1942
“Green” American troops land in North Africa and face resistance by the Vichy French. The inexperienced American forces face humiliating battles at Kassarine Pass and Anzio. Eventually they will pin Rommel in the middle with the 8th Army on the other side.


9 Eastern Front The Germans break their pact with the Soviets and invade in the Summer of ’41. Hitler had hoped that the Soviet Union would capitulate before Winter. The Germans lost steam and did not capture Moscow, which allowed the Russians a counter offensive in the Winter.


11 Stalingrad Aug. ‘42 – Feb. ‘43 The city was key for the German’s access to oil fields. The Russians sent anyone big enough to hold a rifle to the city. After enduring months of bombing the city was in ruins and fierce house to house fighting commenced. No regard for civilians Eventually the entire German 6th Army is either captured or killed. Of the 110,000 German prisoners, 6,000 return after the war. 750,000 German Casualties and 478,741 Soviet casualties. Cripples German offensive capabilities in the Eastern Front.


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