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On your whiteboard: What is the difference between hermeneutics and exegesis? List the five aspects of Barth's hermeneutic approach. What is liberal modernist.

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Presentation on theme: "On your whiteboard: What is the difference between hermeneutics and exegesis? List the five aspects of Barth's hermeneutic approach. What is liberal modernist."— Presentation transcript:

1 On your whiteboard: What is the difference between hermeneutics and exegesis? List the five aspects of Barth's hermeneutic approach. What is liberal modernist theology? Why did Barth reject it? What is natural theology? Why did Barth reject it?

2 Homework Check Karl Barth – Review Task
Re-read your notes on Barth from the lesson. Make sure you understand it all clearly. Any bits you’re unsure about, come to support or me.  Re-write your notes in the way most helpful to you (mindmap, flashcards, coloured notes, bulletpoints). 

3 “Karl Barth has made a positive contribution to our understanding of the Bible.”

4 Key Questions What is Christian Existentialism?
What was Bultmann's view of scripture? Should we accept his view?

5 Rudolf Bultmann German theology lecturer and writer
Around at the same time as Barth Writing 1920s-1950s Also opposed Nazism (but not as forcefully as Barth, so he got to stay in Germany) As we did with Barth, before we look at his theory, we need to understand some other ideas of the time...

6 Existentialism Sees humans as being 'thrown into the world' without choosing to be here. Humans are unfortunately self-aware – we can foresee our inevitable death and are forced to make free decisions that affect our life.  This freedom and lack of guidance is confusing and frightening.

7 Existentialism Many people react to this situation by denying their own freedom and living 'inauthentically' – following stereotypes and living fake lives. In modern society, people are faced with the choice of anxiety or inauthenticity. Existentialist philosophers try to offer an alternative – a way to live authentically.

8 Mythology Jesus and early Christians had a mythological world view.
Today we have a scientific world view. Examples: Triple-decker universe: heaven above, earth here and hell below Supernatural powers cause miracles Demons cause evil and disease

9 Scientific Rationalism
Because our thinking has advanced, nobody has a mythological world view any more. "We cannot use electric light and radios and, in the event of illness, avail ourselves of modern and clinical means and at the same time believe in the spirit and wonder world of the New Testament." -Bultmann

10 There is a way out... Being an existentialist, Bultmann thinks we are stuck between anxiety and inauthenticity. But being a Christian existentialist, he says the Bible gives us a way out- The Bible contains a lot of myths, but underneath them is a plan for us to follow – a way of life based on fearlessness, love and honesty. Bultmann calls this underlying message the "Word of God". A key point is that we shouldn't be scared of our immortality because Jesus has conquered death.

11 The Bible As the Bible was written by people with a mythological world view and we now have a scientific world view, it is greatly misunderstood: Atheists dismiss the whole thing, and Christians focus on the wrong bits. The real Word of God is the solution to modern life But, we need to disentangle the Word of God from the mythology that surrounds it.

12 De-Mythologising Scripture
Bible is full of myths. BUT - They are NOT fairytales or nonsense. There is underlying meaning, but we need to de-mythologise it to find that meaning. Early Christians created myths about the historical Jesus and these get in the way of understanding Jesus' teachings.

13 De-Mythologising Scripture
Events such as the virgin birth, miracles and Jesus' resurrection are NOT literal events. They are myths. This means they didn't actually happen, but the stories contain great wisdom that we should take seriously.

14 On your whiteboard: Outline Bultmann's views on:
Mythological/ scientific worldviews Christian existentialism Demythologising scripture

15 Barth vs. Bultmann Read the sheet.
Create a venn diagram to show similarities and differences between the two approaches.

16 Key Questions What is Christian Existentialism?
What was Bultmann's view of scripture? Should we accept his view?

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