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Geometric Facility Location Optimization

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1 Geometric Facility Location Optimization
Boaz Ben-Moshe (Ben-Gurion U.) 11/13/2018

2 Talk outline Geometric Facility Location Optimization
Definition, Motivation Real life problems: LSRT (consortium) Theoretical aspects Expert System: prototype application for LSRT optimal layout design Open Questions 11/13/2018

3 Definition & Motivation
Geometric Facility Location Optimization (GFLO): Computational Geometry Facility Location Optimization Application 11/13/2018

4 Definition & Motivation
Real life examples – GFLO problems: traffic-lights Air-ports Shipping: cargo, delivery, etc. Wireless network 11/13/2018

5 Definition & Motivation
Wireless networks: LSRT: Large Scale Rural Telephone telephone & internet service (VoIP). Input Clients: schools, pay-phones, etc. Base station possible location Parameters, objective function 11/13/2018

6 Definition & Motivation
LSRT elements: Client: Base Station: Network: 11/13/2018

7 Definition & Motivation
LSRT elements: Client: Base Station: Network: 11/13/2018

8 Definition & Motivation
LSRT elements: Client: Base Station: Network: Microwave  LOS Satellite Cable (not applicable for LSRT) 11/13/2018

9 Definition & Motivation
Goal: design an ‘optimal’ LSRT network Problems of interest: Locating Base Stations Frequency Assignment Connectivity 11/13/2018

10 Definition & Motivation
Problems of interest: Locating Base Stations: Guarding like. Complex objective function. Frequency Assignment: Connectivity: 11/13/2018

11 Definition & Motivation
Problems of interest: Locating Base Stations: Frequency Assignment: Conflict free frequency Connectivity: 11/13/2018

12 Definition & Motivation
Problems of interest: Locating Base Stations: Frequency Assignment: Connectivity: Smallest set of Relay Stations. Back to the BS-locator. 11/13/2018

13 Main Obstacles: Huge inputs  simplify & approximation
Formalizing  objective function NP hardness  efficient Heuristics 11/13/2018

14 Simplifying & Approximating
Visibility Preserving Terrain Simplification: VPTS Visibility Approximating: Radar 11/13/2018

15 VPTS [BKMN] Develop a visibility preserving terrain simplification method - VPTS Should preserve most of the visibility Should be efficient Define a visibility-based measure of quality of simplification. Experiment with VPTS, as well as with other TS methods, using the new quality measure. 11/13/2018

16 Visibility-Preserving TS - Overview
Typically, the view from p is blocked by ridges Main stages: Compute the ridge network (a collection of chains of edges of T). Approximate the ridge network. The ridge network induces a subdivision of the terrain into patches. Simplify each patch (independently), using one of the standard TS methods. 11/13/2018

17 Defining the ridge network

18 Approximating the ridge network

19 Approximating the ridge network

20 Approximating the ridge network

21 The main TS algorithm The (simplified) Ridge Network induces a subdivision of the terrain into regions: For each region (map[i]) in the subdivision If map[i] is “big” then recursively apply VPTS to map[i]. Else (map[i] is “small”) simplify map[i] using a “standard” simplification method (such as Garland’s “Terra”). 11/13/2018

22 Tests Note: every test was repeated 4 times, for each of the 4*20*4 = 320 compressed terrains. Thus in total about 320*4*4 = 5120 quality of simplification evaluations were done. 11/13/2018

23 Results 11/13/2018

24 Conclusion TS Application. Practical Knowledge: Terrain / Grid.
Accelerating runtime: 7% compress  99.5% 1% compress  98% 11/13/2018

25 Approximating Visibility [BCK]
Given a terrain T and a view point p compute the set of points on the surface of T that are visible from p. Alternatively: Paint T with two colors (red & blue) s.t. any blue (red) point is visible (invisible) from p. 11/13/2018

26 Project Goals Develop a new (radar-like) algorithm for computing an approximation of the visible region from a given point. Implement alternative algorithms. Experiment: define an Error Measure. Compare our algorithm with the others Generalize to RF signal strength approximation. 11/13/2018

27 Radar-like generic algorithm
Given Terrain (T), view point (vp), and fixed angle (a=A): while(int i=0;i<360) { S1=cross-section(i); S2=cross-section(i+a); if(close enough(S1, S2)) { extrapolate(S1, S2); a = A; i = min(360, i + a);} else a = a/2; } 11/13/2018

28 Radar-like: Threshold
Radar-like: 10 deg, low threshold | Radar-like: 10 deg, hi threshold 11/13/2018

29 Radar-like: Pizza slice
Lets look at a specific pizza slice: 11/13/2018

30 Radar-like: Pizza slice
left & right cross-sections  pizza slice. 11/13/2018

31 Error Measure exact radar approx xor
Error value: xor-area / circle-area 11/13/2018

32 Using the Algorithm Generalizing the visibility:
RF: computing approximated radio maps. Antenna visibility: Locating: MW network. 11/13/2018

33 Theoretical aspects Guarding: 3D terrain  NP Hard (SNP-hard)
Monotone Polygons  ?? Connecting MST  NP Hard (SNP-hard) Double Ring 11/13/2018

34 Guarding Given a set C of clients and a set G of guards (each can guard a subset of C), find the smallest set of guards that together can guard all C. Models: C & G can be either finite or an infinite sets. Guarding is often associated with visibility. Examples: The Art Gallery problem. Guarding a 3D terrain. 11/13/2018

35 Guarding Monotone Chains [BKM]
Monotone Chain (1.5D terrains) Several versions unknown bounds: NP-hard? Constant approximation ?! 11/13/2018

36 Guarding a Monotone Chain
Preliminaries: convex  concave basic claims: partial guarding order order claim Independent claim finite / infinite 11/13/2018

37 Guarding a Monotone Chain
Preliminaries: convex  concave basic claims: finite (discrete): visibility graph Infinite ?? 11/13/2018

38 Guarding a Monotone Chain
Preliminaries: convex  concave Basic claims finite / infinite Goal: Constant factor Finite (discrete) version 11/13/2018

39 Guarding a Monotone Chain
Frame work: Division: ‘no-local-guards’ Base Cases Generalization 11/13/2018

40 Guarding a Monotone Chain
Frame work: Division: ‘no-local-guards’: For each vertex v: L(v), R(v) – range(v) Implies a division (of sub chains) to disjoint ranges (lower bound). Solve each sub chain independently. 11/13/2018

41 Guarding a Monotone Chain
Frame work: Division: ‘no-local-guards’ Base Cases: Sub chain T - does not requires a ‘local guard’. Case 0: guards must be located on the left (right) of T. Case 1: guards must be located on T or the left (right). Case 2: guards can be located anywhere. Generalization 11/13/2018

42 Guarding a Monotone Chain
Base Cases: Case 0 (left) - optimal Case 1: on & left Case 2: anywhere 11/13/2018

43 Guarding a Monotone Chain
Case 2: Task: guard A [a,b] Charging scheme: division or case 1 11/13/2018

44 Guarding a Monotone Chain
Case 1(a): Task: guard A [a,b] 11/13/2018

45 Guarding a Monotone Chain
Generalization: Finite  infinite O(n^2)  O(n^4). Constant factor ? Hardness (e-approximation) ?? Monotone Polygons ?? Visibility Graphs: compact representation. Output sensitivity. 11/13/2018

46 Expert System Main Goal: theory  practice Maps & Geometry & RF model
Input manipulations. Locating Base Stations. Connecting Base Stations. VSAT Import Export: Opnet (network simulator). 11/13/2018

47 Expert System - basics Maps RF Model (Antenna Patterns) Parameters
Import Export 11/13/2018

48 Expert System - Input Input (Excel): Base Stations Clients GIS info
Objective functions 11/13/2018

49 Expert System - Algorithms
Locating Base Stations: Several Heuristics Collection of solutions 11/13/2018

50 Expert System - Algorithms
Frequency Assignment RF interferences Several Heuristics Collection of solutions 11/13/2018

51 Expert System - Algorithms
Frequency Assignment RF interferences Several Heuristics Collection of solutions 11/13/2018

52 Expert System - Algorithms
Connectivity Minimizing the number of Relay Station 11/13/2018

53 Expert System - Algorithms
Connectivity Minimizing the number of Relay Station Single Relay per link: 7 connected components 11/13/2018

54 Expert System - Algorithms
Connectivity Minimizing the number of Relay Station Three Relays per link: a single connected component 11/13/2018

55 Low Cost Connectivity [BBBDS]
NP-Hard (MAX SNP) - Reduced from k-set-cover Heuristics often reach quasi-optimal solutions. 11/13/2018

56 Practical conclusions
Maps formats, simplifications. Cost bottleneck: connectivity Frequency reuse 11/13/2018

57 Open Problems: Facility Location: TS using JPEG (hardware).
Approximating Radio maps. Connectivity (NLOS diffraction). Urban, in-door. 11/13/2018

58 Fin Thanks: Matya, Joe, Irena

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