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Bullying in schools By: Melanie Griffey.

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Presentation on theme: "Bullying in schools By: Melanie Griffey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bullying in schools By: Melanie Griffey

2 What is bullying? A bully is defined as: use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants

3 Why do we need to talk about bullying?
In 2013, over 20% of students in elementary grades were bullied at school. That is more than 1 in 5 students. While male students experienced physical bullying twice as much as females; females experienced some sort of verbal bullying nearly three times as much.

4 There are three different types of bullying
Physical Bullying Hitting, kicking, pushing, etc. Emotional Bullying Gossiping, teasing, calling names, etc. Cyber Bullying Calling names online, threating, making fun of, etc.

5 Physical Bullying How can you point out a physical bully?
They push others Hit others Pick fights Leaves marks on the victim Bruises, broken bones, scratches, cuts, etc. Makes people do things for them by force Threatening to hurt them if the task is not done

6 Emotional/verbal Bullying
How can you point out an emotional/verbal bully? Gossips about others Lying, telling rumors, etc. Teases or makes fun of another Calls names

7 Cyber Bullying What is cyber bullying? Someone that threatens online
Makes fun of someone online Posts mean or inappropriate pictures or words of someone Tells lies about another online Making anonymous and mean posts about someone

8 If you see physical bullying taking place:
What to Do If you see physical bullying taking place: If you see emotional/verbal bullying taking place: If you see cyberbullying taking place: Take pictures of what you see Report to a teacher or staff Report to your parent or school official Help the victim if you can Step in and tell them to stop Do not spread the bullying content Or even stand up to the bully to help put a stop to it. Show the victim that you support them by being kind

9 What if you are being bullied?
Report to a teacher Talk to your friends, tell them you are being bullied Talk to your parents so they know what is going on If you feel ready, tell that bully that they cannot keep doing this to you! If you want to report anonymously, or call Ms. White at (888)

10 Schools against bullying
In this school, bullying is NOT tolerated. We have a set of rules and punishments for when it occurs. 1st offence- sent to Principal’s office and a note will be sent home 2nd offence- sent home for the day 3rd offence- In school suspension 4th offence- out of school suspension 5th offence- expelled from the school

11 How can we prevent bullying?
Be a friend to all Remember what to do if you see it happening Show respect to everyone Talk to a school official you trust Treat others how you would want to be treated Make all students comfortable at school

12 Reference page

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