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From Colony to Country:

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1 From Colony to Country:
Literature in the Puritan Tradition

2 Essential Questions for the Unit
How do internal forces of personal beliefs and convictions and external forces of societal expectations shape the individual and society? What matters more-survival or integrity? What motivates human behavior? What do we truly value and how do these things shape us as individuals and affect society?

3 Major Texts for This Unit:
Poetry “To My Dear and Loving Husband” by Anne Bradstreet “Upon the Burning of Our House” by Anne Bradstreet Sermons From “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” by Jonathan Edwards Transcripts of legal testimony “The Examination of Sarah Good” Play The Crucible by Arthur Miller

4 Historical Background of Puritanism
Time period from During this time the first “American” colonies were established. The Puritans obviously put a supreme focus on their religion, but they also valued family life and a sense of community service, art, and literature. Some important Puritan contributions were establishing the first printing presses in the colonies, setting up free public grammar schools, and creating the college of Harvard.

5 Puritan Beliefs Human beings are inherently evil and must struggle to overcome their sinful nature. Salvation depends solely on the “grace of God”, not on individual effort. Puritans believed in “predestination”, or the belief that only the “elect” are saved and would go to heaven. Believed the Bible was the sole guide not only of moral and spiritual life but also the church and society as a whole.

6 Puritan Literature Essentially all literature from the time period focused on the connections between God and the people’s everyday lives. Mostly wrote diaries, histories, and sermons, although we will also read some Puritan poetry. Usually wrote in a more plain style, although the sermon we will read uses many rhetorical devices to make a stronger impact. The play The Crucible, though set during and depicting the Salem Witch Trials, was actually written in the 1950’s, partly in response to McCarthyism and the fear of communism during the time period.

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