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Bully Prevention and Positive Behavior Support

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Presentation on theme: "Bully Prevention and Positive Behavior Support"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bully Prevention and Positive Behavior Support
Presenters: Mrs. Shea & Ms. Sieczko

2 Overview of Presentation
Real Life Examples Why this is important What is a Bully Really Examples Are you a bully? How does it impact others What can you do

3 Real Life Examples Mrs. Shea’s experience Ms. Sieczko’s experience

4 Why is this important? 15-25% of children are bullied regularly
It is estimated that adults know only about 10% of bullying acts 9 out of 10 elementary students say they have been bullied by a peer 74% say it occurred at school 160,000 kids miss school because of bullying a year

5 Why important continued
Emotional bullying is more harmful than physical 80% of bullying has an audience 50% of the time a bystander can stop the bullying behavior

6 Bullying Defined Aggression (Physical or verbal)
Repeated-we need to teach children the difference between true bullying and teasing Power differential Intentional

7 Examples of Bullying From the Past: Parents Current ways of bullying
How much is it occurring today, at Graham, in this classroom Please complete the anonymous questionnaire…

8 How bullying is harmful
With your table groups come up with as many effects you can think of, on what bullying does to a person Share out

9 How bullying is harmful
Emotional (sad, depressed, angry) Changes in eating habits Physical complaints (stomachache, headache, hives, anxiety) School work declines Don’t want to be around others Irritable

10 What you can do We hope you have heard how damaging bullying behavior is What can you do to stop bullying? If the activity we did made you nervous-please think about how your behaviors may impact others. Remember you will be remembered 30 years from now for something!!!

11 Questions & Answers…

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