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1 Darrel

2 Welcome Welcome to the 2018 Belmont City College Primary Transition Information Evening Darrel le Mercier – Principal Sean Overend – Program Coordinator Student Services Ppru Kane - Program Coordinator Student Services Bronwyn Frindle – Transition Coordinator Robin Byrne – A Plus Coordinator Jessica Velios – Team Leader, The Arts Darrel

3 Introduction Independent Public School Medium sized secondary school:
2018 enrolments of 900+ Benefit of wide subject selection and pathway options in Senior School Pastoral care and individual attention of a smaller school Building and Development Program Performing Arts Facility STEM facility Darrel

4 Introduction Only secondary public school in the Belmont area
Offer a range of academic and vocational pathways Eight primary schools in our local intake area Diverse student population including 50+ different nationalities Darrel

5 Introduction 120 students in A Plus Academic Excellence Program
STEM program Year in conjunction with School Pathways Program links to Cert II Engineering Pathways in Senior School 203 students in Specialist Contemporary Drama Program 95 students in Music Excellence Program Darrel

6 Academic Information Offer a range of subjects and programs that cater for diverse interests and abilities Range of subjects offered across Years 7-10 including LOTE, STEM and Digital Technologies Communication with Parents and Students via Connect Targeted classes for literacy support and NAPLAN preparation Bron

7 Academic Programs A Plus Academic Excellence Program in partnership with Western Australia's leading University – UWA STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) Program Music Excellence Program Specialist Contemporary Drama Program Follow The Dream: Partnerships for Success Program Homework Club Bron – then hand to Robin

8 A Plus Program Robin Byrne A Plus Academic Excellence Program Co-ordinator
Student selection based on testing Quality curriculum delivery and assessment program with embedded extension opportunities EPIC-Science for selected primary students STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) Elective UWA Partnership Robin

9 UWA Partnership A Plus Program
Fairway Scholarship Program – tutoring, mentoring, camp and other activities Broadway Scholarship UWay ASPIRE Robin – hand over to Jes

10 Specialist Contemporary Drama Program Brenn Hislop & Brittany Lomax Drama Primary Coordinators
Contemporary Drama aims to create a well balanced program of intellectual, emotional and social skills. Communication and empathy Self-expression and self-esteem Excursions and camps School performances Community events Full access to PA facilities and equipment Lighting / Technical crew Jes

11 Pathways to Specialist Contemporary Drama
Currently 80+ students participate in Drama Club, with a growing waiting list Terms 3 & 4 cater exclusively for students enrolled at BCC for 2019 Students who participate in Drama Club bypass the audition process Students not involved in Drama Club will participate in open workshop auditions during Term 3 Call backs Term 3 Jes

12 Contemporary Drama Events
Year 6 Drama Club Combined Primary Schools production Drama Camp Master Class Year 7 Family Sunset Concert Year 7/8 Showcase Year 9 Production Master Class Curtain Raiser Event The Annual Arts Gala Drama Festival for Primaries Jes

13 Music Excellence Program Suellen Brown Music Excellence Program Coordinator
Currently have 95 students studying music from Year 7-12 Instrumental Music Schools Service (IMSS) provides weekly instrumental and voice lessons to selected students We have six college ensembles: Combined Schools Concert Band Senior Concert Band Vocal Ensemble Percussion Ensemble Fusion Band Junior Fusion Band Jes

14 Music Excellence Program Events
Family Sunset Concert RSL Anzac Service Music Showcase ABODA Concert Band Festival IMSS Vocal Festival IMSS Contemporary Festival- Fusion Bands Music Camp Arts Gala Twilight Concert Lunchtime Concerts Jes

15 Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
Belmont City College is a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) school Students are actively taught the expected behaviour that we would like to see from them at school Based on three principles: Preparedness Participation Positivity Sean

16 Pastoral Care Student Services staff provide a number of supports for students 2 program coordinators Chaplain, School Psychologist, student support coordinator, 2 AIEOs, EA, school nurse Social/emotional wellbeing Targeted support programs Activity Room & Breakfast Club Partnerships with YMCA Youth Centre, City of Belmont, PEEDAC Liaison with external support agencies Communication with parents Community-building activities such as Harmony Week & R U OK? Day Homework Club Sean

17 Recent Academic Achievements at BCC
High Progress and High Achievement for NAPLAN Reading, Writing and Numeracy BCC placed fourth nationally at the 2017 Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) Titration Stakes BCC EALD English ATAR in top 10 schools 2017 EALD and Chemistry BCC mean score above state mean In 2017, 22% of our Year 12 ATAR students achieved an ATAR of 90 or higher BCC Students accepted into prestigious tertiary programs such as WAAPA and UWA Medical School 100% of our Year 12 students achieved attainment Median ATAR of 72.65% BCC student received the Rob Riley Memorial Prize for being the highest performing Aboriginal VET student in WA Sean?

18 Extra Curricular Activities
Range of opportunities for students at BCC Student Council – lead the student body, participate in decision making and organise events around the College Music programs - school bands and vocal ensemble Sean

19 Extra Curricular Activities
Involvement in camps and excursions Intra and inter-school sporting teams and Lightning Carnivals Swimming and Athletics carnivals Sean

20 School events Range of whole school events throughout the year including: Harmony Week Arts Gala NAIDOC Week Science Week National Literacy and Numeracy Week Celebration of Success at End of Year Awards Ceremony Bron

21 Transition 2018/2019 Primary school visits and testing - Terms 1 and 2
Transition visits Term 3 with primary teachers Transition Day Term 4 for all enrolled students Bron

22 Structure for 2019 Subject area specialist teachers
Focus on literacy and numeracy across all subject areas Regular PBS lessons delivered to students – students are taught positive behaviours and self-management skills to assist with their learning Will have a 'taster' from a variety of Learning Areas - The Arts; Design and Technology; Home Economics; LOTE (Japanese) Bron

23 Scholarships A range of scholarships are offered at the College:
A Plus Academic Excellence Scholarship STEM Scholarship Communications Scholarship Specialist Contemporary Drama Scholarship Leadership Scholarship Music Scholarship Sports Star Scholarship Bron

24 Extra Information Contact details: Bronwyn Frindle Transition Co-ordinator Applications for 2019 secondary school enrolment need to be submitted by 20th July, Please feel free to stay and ask any further questions Bron

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