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EOS 11/8/13 What are the six kingdoms of living things?

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Presentation on theme: "EOS 11/8/13 What are the six kingdoms of living things?"— Presentation transcript:

1 EOS 11/8/13 What are the six kingdoms of living things?
Why do we need to classify living things? What are the six kingdoms of living things?

2 11/13/2018 Archaebacteria is unicellar. Is it alive? Why or why not?
EOS 11/13/2018 Archaebacteria is unicellar. Is it alive? Why or why not?

3 EOS 11/13/2018 What are the three ways bacteria obtain energy? Give examples.

4 Our Class Team A 77 B 17 C 8 D 5 F 4

5 The 3 Domains of Living Organisms
Eubacteria Archaebacteria Eukarya

6 Kingdoms of Living Organisms
Protists Archeabacteria Fungi Eubacteria Plants Animals

7 Archeabacteria Cells Grow and develop Use and Obtain Energy Reproduce

8 What are they and where do they live?
Methanogens • Produce methane gas •Live in swamps, lake sediment, and digestive tracts of animals

9 Halophiles (salt loving)
•Live in water with very high concentrations of salt. •Great Salt Lake, Dead Sea

10 Thermophiles (heat loving)
•acidic springs, deep cracks on the ocean floor.

11 Archeabacteria Cells: Unicellular prokaryotes Grow and develop:
Most bacteria fall into 3 categories: spheres(Cocci),rods (Bacilli), spirals (Spirilla)

12 Use and obtain energy Autotrophs: make food on their own
Solar or chemical Heterotrophs: consumes other organism for energy *Use most of their energy for binary fission

13 Reproduction

14 When bacteria adapt: their chromosomes have mutated of changed.
Adaptations When bacteria adapt: their chromosomes have mutated of changed.

15 Bacteria Cells: Unicellular prokaryotes Grow and develop:
3 basic body shapes: spheres(Cocci),rods (Bacilli), spirals (Spirilla)

16 Your digestive system is full of billions of bacteria, including Escherichia coli (commonly known as E. coli), which help us digest our food. Other bacteria, like Staphylococcus, are always present on your skin and are harmless. E. Coli can be bad too. Staph infections are caused from Staphylococcus.

17 Use and obtain energy Autotrophs: make food on their own
Solar (photoautotrophs) or Chemical (chemoautotrophs) Heterotrophs: consumes other organism for energy *Use most of their energy for binary fission

18 Reproduction: Binary Fission

19 When bacteria adapt: their chromosomes have mutated of changed.
Adaptations When bacteria adapt: their chromosomes have mutated of changed.

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