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Institute for Leadership in Education Development (I-LED)

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Presentation on theme: "Institute for Leadership in Education Development (I-LED)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Institute for Leadership in Education Development (I-LED)
Beginning with the End in Mind: Instructional Design Basics with Karen Richardson & Jennifer White Jen This project was supported by Grant No TA-AX-K067 recommendations awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.

2 Learning Objectives As a result of this webinar, you will be better able to: Follow a process to identify the learning needs of your audience as you design educational offerings; Utilize the learning needs of your learner to write objectives for educational offerings; Consider the appropriate delivery method(s) for your instructional design, i.e.; in person trainings, virtual trainings, blended design, etc. to meet the needs of your learner and the subject matter. Karen

3 Goal: You are an OVW grantee who provides legal and advocacy services to survivors of domestic violence and you also conduct national trainings. Your goal is to create an education program for attorneys and advocates in legal organizations across the country on how to interview survivors who come to you for assistance with a child custody matter. You have sufficient funds to create a one day program and you have the flexibility to conduct the training in person, online, or in combination. Karen

4 Assessing Learner Needs (1)
What should learners receive from an education session? Desires & expectations from 2 perspectives: Learners (or representative body) Faculty, advisory committee, & sponsoring organization Jen

5 Assessing Learner Needs (2)
Before Program: Written materials, focus groups, questionnaires, interviews, observations During Program: Assess prior knowledge Observe learner performance After Program: Debrief faculty, evaluations, surveys, observations Jen

6 Let’s Conduct a Sample Needs Assessment
Assume the role of the OVW grantee mentioned (OVW grantee who provides legal and advocacy services to survivors of domestic violence and also conducts national trainings). What does your learner (Attorneys and advocates in legal assistance organizations across the country who will interview survivors with child custody matters) need to know? Please use the chat box. Jen

7 Creating Successful Programs
“It’s been said that bad classes are based on activities, that mediocre classes are based on materials, and that good classes are based on objectives.” --Dan Spalding, How to Teach Adults Karen

8 Learning Objectives Warm-Up
What is a learning objective? Why are learning objectives important? Karen

9 Learning Objectives (1)
Objectives detail, in a measurable way, the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills that you want learners to develop. Karen

10 Learning Objectives (2): Bloom’s Taxonomy (Also see handout)
Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understanding Remembering Jen

11 Learning Objectives (3)
Bloom’s taxonomy-as you write objectives, identify which of the cognitive domains each falls into. Critique: Learners will understand how to create an online training video. Jen

12 Learning Objectives (4)
When you are creating learning objectives, ask yourself: Is this something the learner would actually do in the real world? Can I tell when they have done it? Jen

13 Writing Objectives Let’s consider one of the needs we listed for our sample topic. Would someone like to submit a learning objective? Use the Chat box. Karen

14 Critiquing Objectives:
Objectives should be “S.M.A.R.T” Specific Measurable Actionable Relevant Timely Jen and Karen

15 Different Delivery Options
Asynchronous Synchronous Online Audio or video based webinar, text chat or other type of text-based activity (online whiteboard, shared document) Online activities conducted over time with participants contributing at their own pace: Face-to-Face Workshop or conference where participants are together in a physical space These gatherings can be enhanced through the use of technology tools to share, create and record. Karen

16 Synchronous Tools Adobe Connect Twitter Google Doc/Slides Padlet
Today’s Meet Karen

17 Asynchronous Tools Twitter Today’s Meet
Online Courses (Canvas, Blackboard) Google Doc/slides Padlet Karen

18 Tools to Enhance Interactivity (1)
Built Into Adobe Connect: Polling Interactive Whiteboard Text Chat Audio/Video Built Into Course Management Systems (CMS): Discussion Forum Asynchronous, Self-Paced Activities Assessments Blogs and Journals Karen

19 Tools to Enhance Interactivity (2)
Other Online Tools: Padlet: Interactive Bulletin Board Text Chat: Today’s Meet Public Chat: Twitter, Twitter Chats Assessment: Socratic, Kahoot Collaborative Creation: Google Docs/Slides Blogging: Wordpress Video: Adobe Spark Karen

20 Questions? Please use chat box K&J

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