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Camouflage, Morphology, Behavior, Biochemical

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Presentation on theme: "Camouflage, Morphology, Behavior, Biochemical"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptation: process by which an organism/population becomes better suited for their environment.
Camouflage, Morphology, Behavior, Biochemical List behavioral adaptations. Explain the idea of “survival of the fittest” using the term adaptation/adapt.

2 Change Over Time Aka: Evolution

3 Theories of Evolution Evolution refers to change over time.
Several scientists have contributed to the current theory of evolution. The theory is constantly changing-that is why it is a theory! Lamarck Similar species descended from the same ancestor. First to state that organisms change over time. Lamarck believed acquired traits were passed on to offspring and that is how species change over time. Passing of acquired traits was easy to disprove.

4 Who was Charles Darwin? Trained in the church but studied science.
Took a job on the HMS Beagle as a naturalist traveling to South America and the Galapagos Islands for 5 years. Noticed finches in different areas had beaks that were suited for the food in that area.

5 Adaptive radiation: because of differences in the environment, many different forms of a speices emerge.

6 Darwin’s Evidence of Evolution
Similar Structures Homologous Structures: same structure but used for the different function. Ex. Forearm of humans and the wing bones of a bat. Ex. wings of a bird and wings of a bat. Vestigial Organs Once very important but now reduced in size and function Embryology Fossils All of these pieces of evidence point to a common ancestor.


8 Darwin and Wallace Both proposed that species were changed by natural selection. The organisms that were best adapted to their environment would survive to reproduce. =fitness If a trait is favorable, what will happen to that trait in the population? If a trait is selected against what will happen to that trait? What will happen to the genes (alleles) associated with these traits?

9 Title: Bear Lab / 3.4/ 40 pts. Question/Purpose:
Background: Paragraph form. Read Story Define evolution. Answer Background Questions Hypothesis: Write a possible answer to the question Draw Data Tables Read procedure!!! Collect Data and Create a graph for the second table. Conclusion

10 Review how Evolution by Natural Selection Works:
Organisms would grow unlimited if it were not for the environment. The environment (nature) determines which traits are favorable or not so…The mechanism of evolution is natural selection. The most “fit” organisms will survive to reproduce and the species will change.

11 Bear Lab / 3.4 / 60 pts. Day 1 Review Day 2:
Hypothesis: What will happen to a recessive allele if the environment selects against it? Data: Genotype data tables Above the AA and Aa columns write ‘SAD’. Above the aa column write ‘HAPPY’. Collect Data and Graph Table 2 Conclusion

12 Types of Natural Selection
Stablizing: the average trait is best Disruptive: both extreme traits are best Directional: one extreme trait is best Diagrams.

13 Which type of selection is shown when insects become resistant to pesticides?


15 Types of Natural Selection
Stablizing: the average trait is best Disruptive: both extreme traits are best Directional: one extreme trait is best Diagrams Part B on your Worksheet – 8 minutes. How do organisms evolve so much they make a new species? Definition of a species: similar organisms that can reproduce to create fertile offspring

16 Making a new species •Requires isolation and evolution in different directions •Isolation can be because of a physical or behavioral barrier. –Physical - geographic isolation. –Behavioral- non-mating because of unrecognizable courtship rituals. This results in divergent evolution and eventually a new species.

17 How fast does change occur?
Very slowly Punctuated or gradual

18 Co-evolution: organisms evolve together
Convergent evolution: Unrelated species evolve similar traits because their environments are the same OR it is a really good trait! Co-evolution: organisms evolve together Ex. Flowers and pollinators

19 What types of organisms do we use to study populations?
Evolution works on genes to change populations of species over time, not on individuals. What role do genes play???? If a phenotype is unfavorable in an environment, the genotype for that trait will decrease in the population. (BEAR LAB!!!) What types of organisms do we use to study populations?

20 Discovery Video Clip Sexual Selection
Question: Do large, colorful tail feathers in male peacocks help the individual to survive or the species? Which is more important? Sexual Selection Selection of an individual based on certain traits that are favorable to the opposite sex but not necessarily favorable in the environment. Artificial Selection-humans decide the favorable traits. Ex. Dog Breeding, Agriculture

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