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Infectious Disease Emergency Planning – Lessons Learned

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1 Infectious Disease Emergency Planning – Lessons Learned
March 2003 Donna Lazorik, MS, RN Massachusetts Department of Public Health

2 351 local health departments

3 Infectious Disease Emergency Planning - Assumptions
Most of the impact and most of the response will be local Integrated, non-categorical approach is best MDPH

4 What is an infectious disease emergency?
Influenza Pandemic Bioterrorism Hepatitis A in a food handler N. meningitidis in a school Something we haven’t thought of MDPH

5 Infectious Disease Emergency Planning - Goals
Ability to respond to any infectious disease emergency Enhanced public health infrastructure MDPH

6 Infectious Disease Emergencies Effective Response
Established relationships Clear roles Clear lines of authority Clear lines of communication Preferably in writing MDPH

7 Infectious Disease Emergencies Effective Response
Coordinated communication Facilitate response Minimize panic MDPH

8 Infectious Disease Emergencies Effective Response
Effective surveillance Ability to rapidly detect an infectious disease emergency MDPH

9 Infectious Disease Emergencies Effective Response
Flexible surge capacity Hospitals Workforce Communication systems MDPH

10 Infectious Disease Emergencies Effective Response
Educated public and responders Effective response Minimize panic MDPH

11 Infectious Disease Emergencies Effective Response
Regionalization Shared resources Shared expertise MDPH

12 Local Infectious Disease Emergency Planning
Pandemic Bioterrroism Nuclear Hep A Meninge Measles Natural Chem Man made MDPH

13 Local Infectious Disease Emergency Planning
Template for Local Planning for Infectious Disease Emergencies Infectious Disease Emergency Tabletop MDPH

14 Enhance surveillance for flu and rash illness
Initiatives to Enhance Immunization Program and Prepare for Emergencies Enhance surveillance for flu and rash illness Full-time influenza epidemiologist Full-time rash illness epidemiologist MDPH

15 Develop Cadre of Trained Volunteers
Initiatives to Enhance Immunization Program and Prepare for Emergencies Develop Cadre of Trained Volunteers Assist with administration of vaccine Staff hotlines Met needs of people in their homes MDPH

16 Outreach to special populations
Initiatives to Enhance Immunization Program and Prepare for Emergencies Outreach to special populations Non-English speaking Ethnic communities Homeless and homebound People with disabilities MDPH

17 Important Elements in Local Infectious Disease Emergency Planning
Strong relationships with emergency response, public safety and medical folks Clear and mutual understanding of everyone’s role MDPH

18 Important Elements in Local Infectious Disease Emergency Planning
Contingency plans for high absenteeism Cadre of trained volunteers Plan for emergency vaccination/medication clinics MDPH

19 What to look out for in emergency planning
Assumption that everyone is on the same page Different terms and concepts among different disciplines Too many spokesmen MDPH

20 Infectious Disease Emergency Planning - Benefits
Increased resources Educated workforce Effective response in an emergency MDPH

21 Infectious Disease Emergency Planning - Benefits
People talking to each other “It’s not the plan, it’s the planning” MDPH

22 MDPH cc

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