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ESSAY Writing and Editing.

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Presentation on theme: "ESSAY Writing and Editing."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESSAY Writing and Editing

2 Consider the possible topics
Step 1: Consider the possible topics

3 The following are taboo topics:
No sex No politics No religion Write from what you know. Share from your own life.

4 Step 2: Plan essay

5 Planning is important – however it is not limited to mind mapping.
Explore various ways of planning.

6 Step 3: Write a rough draft

7 The rough draft of the essay may be done at home.
The success of your essay depends on good planning.

8 Step 4: The Scary Bit

9 Cross out your first paragraph!
Just do it!!!

10 Now read the first sentence in your new first paragraph (paragraph 2)
WOW! Start with the story and not with a boring drawn out setting!

11 The reason for this is so that you can write interesting opening sentences to grab the attention of the marker and makes him/her want to read the rest of your essay.

12 Good first paragraphs:
ALL GOOD STORY OPENINGS GRAB YOUR ATTENTION MAKE YOU WANT TO READ ON Let’s look at 4 different ways to start the story’s opening sentence.

13 “Asking the reader a question”
Have you ever wondered why things happen the way they do? Is there something or someone manipulating us like we’re little toy figures? Well, let me tell how I know what really happens and why.

14 “Contradiction” Some days I loved Anne, but on others I hated her. I felt as cold as ice but then my skin felt as hot as fire.

15 “Unexpected or strange happenings”
I dragged myself up the face of the clock and then sat on the second hand wondering what to do. I didn’t know that I could breathe underwater until I fell into the deep end and found myself sitting happily on the bottom!

16 “In the middle of the action”
Suddenly the scream pierced the night. I leapt to my feet. I stood totally motionless. All was silent and then it came again, only this time closer to us. Then the explosion ended the life I had once held with such little regard. I felt soil and mud raining down on me. When the noise stopped and movement ceased I found that I was partly buried and could barely move myself.

17 “In the middle of the action”
I dropped the container marked “Dangerous. Handle with care,” and the world seemed to slow down. I could swear that minutes passed between it leaving my fingers and crashing to the ground with such terrible consequences. I tripped and found myself rolling towards the cliff edge. I drank the contents of the bottle and then realised what a dreadful mistake I had made.

18 Now also cross out the last paragraph!
Again – do it!!!

19 The aim is not to moralise at the end of the essay.
Just jump in and tell the story, don’t moralise as the essay loses its impact.

20 Step 5: Edit your draft

21 Take the first (2nd ) paragraph and slowly work through it. Use the checklist:

22 Editing: Circle all the full stops in the paragraph. Only one – go back and find splices A sentence may only be maximum 2 lines long. Fix long sentences.

23 Editing: Look at first words Start with a capital letter. -ing words – fix – the subject is missing Conjunctions – so, and, because, but – fix When – make sure there is a subject and verb.

24 Editing: Check that I was written with a capital letter. 4. Did not use ampersand (&) write out the difficult word - AND!

25 Check for bad words and habits:
Editing: Check for bad words and habits: Spelling of because (i.e. coz; ‘cause; cose, etc.) Gonna, wanna, dunno Whereby, wherefore The other and the other? HUH?!

26 Check the following paragraphs in the same manner.

27 Step 6: Final Essay

28 Write and submit your final essay.
Cross out all planning. Enjoy the improved marks!

29 The window smashed, sending glass flying in all directions
The window smashed, sending glass flying in all directions. Flames burst into the room. I ducked, keeping my body as low as I could, trying desperately to avoid the smoke that was advancing rapidly across the ceiling. I scanned the room for other exits and was relieved to see a small window on the far wall. The smoke was getting thicker and started slowly descending to the floor. My mind shouted, ‘Move!’. Taking a deep breath of clean air, possibly my last, I pushed away from the wall to safety. As I struggled to open the window, I felt my heart pounding. My lungs screamed for air. The smoke descended and I worked blind, my eyes stinging. I pulled franticly at the catches, felt them give and tumbled out onto the ground below. I felt the heat escaping from the open window above and started to crawl slowly away.

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