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1 Africa


3 Causes 1. Missionary 2. New Markets: 3. Control of the land
Textiles in exchange for peanuts, timber, hides, palm oil 3. Control of the land 4. European Competition (Nationalism) 5. Social Darwinism 6. New Jobs


5 European African Conquests
First to have an expansive empire: Settled into India and Africa Annexed the west coastal states in Africa called the Gold Coast and established a protectorate over Nigeria France conquered West Africa Germany controlled: Togo, Cameroon, German Southwest Africa, and German east Africa 1500’s Spanish Armada 1600’s Scotland 1700’s defeat France to control New World and control the Carribean 1800’s settle into India; Carribbean become less important as slavery is outlawed 1800’s settle into Africa and Ireland

6 North Africa Egypt controlled by the Ottoman Empire until 1805
They began to reform and modernize Egypt Egyptians began to build the Suez Canal with the help of the French in 1854 Britain sought as much control as possible over the area when it was finish in 1869 Lifeline to India Bought a share (part) of the Suez Canal After suppressing a Egyptian revolt, Britain makes Egypt a protectorate Seized the Sudan in 1898 France had colonies in Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco Italy seized Libya

7 Central and East Africa
David Livingstone: missionary in the uncharted regions of Central Africa Spent 30 years Disappeared and Henry Stanley a journalist (from the New York Herald) was sent to find him Found on the eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika Stanley continued Livingstone’s work along the Congo River in Central Africa Encouraged the British to send settlers to the Congo River basin. Britain refused and asked King Leopold II of Belgium King Leopold II was the real diving force behind the colonization of Central Africa. Britain and Germany were the two main rivals in East Africa Berlin Conference in separated the continent in the east for Britain and Germany

8 South Africa

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