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African Kingdoms TEST.

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1 African Kingdoms TEST

2 4. (6.G.2.1.) What part of Africa were the Swahili people from?
a. The Swahili African Civilizations were located on the Eastern side of Africa b. Near Nigeria on the West side c. The Swahili people were located on the Eastern side of Australia d. Near the Nile river on the Southern side of Africa 1. What standard is associated with the Islamic religion? a. 6.C&G.1.2. b. 6.C.1.2. c. 6.C&G.1.1. d. 6.C.1.1. 2. What is Theocracy? a. Government structure based on Religious Principles b. Government Structure where the King & Queen have power over the government but they have to follow a constitution c. Government structure where the King & Queen have all the power and control d. Government Structure where the people have the power to make their own decisions 5. (6.E.1.1.) What role did trade play between Africa and Europe? a. Trade connected Europe and Africa b. Europe and Africa had a long lasting war over trade with each other c. Trade didn’t have anything to do with the connection between Africa and Europe d. Africa and Europe never had any connection with each other 3. (6.H.2.3.) Why was Mansa Musa such an important key historical figure for both Africa and Europe? a. Mansa Musa wasn’t a key historical figure b. Richest man in the history of mankind who made a trip through Europe and showed Europeans his vast wealth c. He was jailed from protesting against the African government for bad things that they had done d. Leader of all African people and created a war against all Europeans 6. (6.G.2.1.) What were the factors that caused the movement of the Swahili people to the eastern part of Africa? Scarcity of Resources Trade was not working with the neighboring civilizations . The people of Swahili wanted to move to Egypt Africa was having volcanic eruptions that drove the Swahili people from their homes 7. Who was the prophet Muhammad? a. The main prophet in the Islamic religion b. The main prophet who turned into the Buddha c. Another name for Siddhartha d. Teacher

3 8. (6.E.1.1.) What does SCARCITY OF RESOURCES mean?
a. Civilizations only have one kind of resources b. Civilizations have too many resources c. Civilizations do not have enough resources to survive d. Civilizations sell their resources to kings and queens from different lands 12. (6.E.2.1.) How did scarcity of resources help build the Indian Ocean Trading Network? Trading leads to the Haji It leads to more gold in more civilizations It allows the citizens to have extra resources which leads to better quality of life Moving to the eastern part of Africa allowed the Swahili people to use the IOTN and build their economy thru trade with Arabs from the Middle East. 9. (6.E.1.1.) What was the Indian Ocean Trading Network? The Indian Ocean Trading Network was used by pirates The African people used this road to barter and trade with other civilizations The Indian Ocean Trading Network was like the Silk Road of the sea. They traded Dr. Pepper and cigars along the Indian Ocean Trade Network 13. How did Islam spread throughout the world? a. Islam was not spread and is not a world religion b. Islam was spread by messengers that traveled in ships along the Indian Ocean Trade Route c. Prophet Muhammad spread Islam through trade routes d. Islam was spread by Siddhartha who traveled along trade routes 10. How did Islam transform the Middle East? The Social Structure for Buddhism Another name for Siddhartha The final goal of Buddhism where a Buddhist reaches enlightenment A 1990’s rock band 14. (6.E.2.1.) What is a GOLDEN AGE and what does it have to do with QUALITY OF LIFE? a. Time period where much learning occurs but the quality of life does not improve and in fact gets worse b. Gold Ages never existed in any society c. Time period where many wars occurred but quality of life gets better d. Time period where much learning and inventing occurred leading to better quality of life for citizens 11. (6.E.2.1.) How can trading give a civilization’s people a better QUALITY OF LIFE? a. It doesn’t affect the quality of life for citizens b. It leads to more gold in more civilizations c. It allows the citizens to have extra resources which leads to better quality of life d. Trading leads to the Hajj 15. (6.P.2.3.) What did the Africans have that the Europeans wanted? a. Salt b. Gold c. Sliver d. Copper

4 16. (6.E.1.2.) How did great economic choices like trading allow the Swahili people to have a better QUALITY OF LIFE? a. Time period where much learning occurs but the quality of life does not improve and in fact gets worse b. The Swahili people exported items that were scarce to others while they imported luxury items like porcelain and books. c. Time period where many wars occurred but quality of life gets better d. Time period where much learning and inventing occurred leading to better quality of life for citizens 19. Why was Siddhartha a key historical figure in Buddhism? a. To Serve b. To Praise c. He was the first missionary and spread the Buddhism religion d. To Fight 20. (6.E.2.1.) What did the Europeans have that the Africans wanted? a. Salt b. Gold c. Silver d. Copper 17. Why did Islam become a world religion while Judaism didn’t become a world religion? a. Both Islam and Judaism were world religions b. Judaism was available to everyone and to be Islamic you must be in the bloodline of the prophet Muhammad c. Anyone could become Islamic while to practice Judaism you had to be a descendent of Abraham d. There were many more trade routes on which to spread Islam in the Middle East then there were in Jerusalem where Judaism was the popular belief 21. (6.E.2.1.) What is the long-term effect of ancient trade routes? a. the spread of religions throughout the trade routes b. the spread of unifying systems of government c. colonization of weaker nations along the trade routes d. Use of silk throughout ancient and modern societies 18. (6.P.2.3.) What 3 factors do the Swahili people have in common? Salt, imports & hunting Language, Trade & Religion Sliver Copper 22. What were the famous cities that are sacred (called the holy cities) to the Islamic people and why? a. El Dorado & Mecca because these were the famed cities of gold that the Islamic people were chasing b. Jerusalem & Medina c. Machu Pichu & Jerusalem d. Mecca & Medina

5 23. (6.E.2.1.) What role did religion play in connecting Africa and Europe to eventually trade with each other? a. Religion helped all people in Africa and Europe become Buddhists b. Religion helped all people in Africa and Europe become Christian c. Religion does not play a part in connecting Africa and Europe d. Mansa Musa was making his Islamic Hajj when he shared his wealth with Europeans 24. (6.E.2.1.) What is a HAJJ? a. The journey that every Muslim must complete to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina b. The name of one of the Muslim gods c. Nickname of Mansa Musa d. The city that Mansa Musa took his pilgrimage to 25. What was the equivalent to the Bible in Islam? a. Hammurabi’s Code b. Torah c. The 4 Noble Truths d. Quran

6 26. What are people that practice Islam called? a. Christians
b. Jehovah’s Witnesses c. Buddhists d. Muslim 27. (6.E.2.1.) In which religion do the believers take a HAJJ? a. Christianity b. Buddhism c. Hinduism d. Islam 28. (6.C.1.1..) What Disney movie is a legend of the Swahili people? a. Star Wars: The Force Awakens b. Moana c. The Lion King d. Cinderella

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