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2018 Coaches Meeting Agenda

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1 2018 Coaches Meeting Agenda
Welcome and Introductions Schedule Fields – Practice and Game Make ups and reporting scores American and National divisions Team Binders/Coach Packets Codes of Conduct Bambino Buddy Ball 10. Bob Robertson Sportsmanship Award 11. Tournaments 12. Rules Matrix 13. Player and Coach Development 14. Misc. Information 2/15/14

2 Schedule Double Header Weekends are April 21-22 AND April 28-29
Every team will play a double header either Saturday or Sunday 9’s and 11’s play on Saturday 10’s and 12’s play on Sunday Photos will be taken on your game day If there is an 11u vs 12u matchup, game days can vary Make up game days All games must be made up prior to the City Championship (if they matter for standings and time allows) National Division Some games may be scheduled for Friday (9 & 11) or Saturday (10 & 12) City Championships – June 8-13 Games start Friday June 9th Double elimination – weather permitting 2/15/14

3 Fields – Practice and Game
Please take the time to clean up the dugout and seating area after each game Game fields Teams should expect to play 1-2 games in North Idaho if you have a NI team in your division Spokane game fields – Dwight Merkel, Franklin Park, Chief Garry, Mead JV softball, Mountainside, Clark Park, East Valley, Liberty Lake Practice Fields – Glen Reser One field assigned for the season – 2 hour block Practice field may be cancelled if the field is needed for a game with your top two days and area of town you would like to practice Once fields are assigned you can request more fields/time if available Please review the rules for your practice location 2/15/14

4 Make up game how to and reporting game scores
Make up game – any game that is unable to be started or completed It will be the responsibility of the coaches to agree to a makeup date and time. Then notify who will work to find a field, schedule the field prep and schedule and umpire or umpires. Make sure you include the other coach on your and make it clear what team you are with and what game you re attempting to reschedule. Friday and the weekend are the best dates for makeup games because of field availability. Reporting game scores: Home team to report scores within 24 hours. If the home team doesn’t post after 24 hours the visiting team can post. 1) Go to the SIYB website. or 2) Click on coaches then submit scores 3) Enter your address. If you are having trouble logging in it is usually because you are not using the same address that you used to register as a coach. Enter the Password (TBD) 1) You will see your team name listed and all of your games. Click the team link and enter the score and check the box that the game has been completed. If you don't click the box it won't show up.  Please be sure to enter the correct score in the boxes - it will automatically update the standings. Please update timely so we can avoid s from parents and coaches. 2/15/14

5 American and National Divisions
9U – 6 Teams 10U – 10 Teams 11U – 14 Teams 12U – 9 Teams 2/15/14

6 Coaches Binder/Packet Codes of Conduct
Line Up Cards Rule Cards Birth Certificates Parent and Coaches Code of Conduct forms Pouch with Player of Game Pins 2 dozen baseballs Sponsor offers Parent Code of Conduct Signed by every parent Coaches Code of Conduct Signed by every coach 2/15/14

7 Codes of Conduct-Zero Tolerance Policy – Parents
Spokane Indians Youth Baseball will be following a “Zero Tolerance” policy regarding inappropriate behavior for its upcoming seasons. This policy will encompass all interactions during the course of the season which includes but is not limited to practices, games, tournaments, all stars or any other league sponsored events. The league, coaches, umpires, parents, and fans must make it a priority to promote fair play, good sportsmanship, and to teach our children how to play the game the correct way. Too often, we as adults can forget this goal of youth sports. Parents are required to read, understand and sign this form and give it to the coach prior to the season starting. Coaches will need to carry the signed documents with them to every game in the binder provided by SIYB. Our “Parent Code of Conduct - Zero Tolerance” policy is stated below: 2/15/14

8 Codes of Conduct-Zero Tolerance Policy – Parents
It is the duty of all managers/coaches to control their players and spectators at all times. Parents shall control emotions, emphasize the ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and fair play. Cursing, obscene or threatening gestures or language, harassment of any kind, malicious or personal remarks between opponents, players, spectators or officials on or off the field will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action. Anyone in violation will be immediately removed from the field or field area and forbidden to return until disciplinary action(s)/decision(s) have been made. If it’s not positive, please refrain from saying it. We will not question umpires' calls. Only coaches are allowed to address umpires. Parents will remain off the field and out of the dugouts unless invited by the coach. SIYB Board, umpires and all coaching staff are responsible for enforcing the rules and regulations on and off the playing field.  Parents will help emphasize team spirit, team unity, and team effort and team success. Concerns, questions, or ideas any spectator has for any coach should be handled tactfully away from the field. Any and all questions, concerns or reports regarding a disciplinary problem(s) and or action(s) can be directed in person to any SIYB Board member or by at Any and all information and concerns are strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone other than the parties involved.  If a spectator needs to be removed from the stands, it will be the coach’s responsibility to ask the parent to leave. If the parent refuses, their team will forfeit the game. The parent will also be suspended from the following game. 2/15/14

9 Bambino Buddy Ball For players age 5-20 that have mental or physical challenges. Usually teams 6 players on a team. Opening day on Saturday May 13th Six week season runs from May 13th to June 18th After Opening day most games on Sunday from 1-5 at Shadle Buddy system – Buddies help players swing a bat, round the bases and catch the ball Players get a full major league uniform Games are usually 3 innings minimum with a maximum time limit of 1 hour. We are requesting all 11 and 12U teams to participate. Need 4 teams each week. Sign your team up tonight. All participating teams will be eligible to win a $100 pizza party. Before the Bambino Buddy-Ball Division, our special needs kids were often unable to enjoy the game of baseball. Now, through the assistance of a special buddy, they are able to enjoy the same thrills of batting, hitting and throwing just like the other kids. The Bambino Buddy-Ball Division opens up a whole new world to our challenged kids – not only do they experience the thrill of participating, they also get to experience team play and camaraderie. 2/15/14

10 Player of the Game Pin This award will be given out at home plate at the end of every game. The goal is to end every game in a positive fashion and to give a player an opportunity to be recognized for outstanding effort and behavior. Player of the Game Qualities Has an exceptional game Makes a great play Displays good sportsmanship Hustles and plays hard We recommend that your team appoint a group of 2-3 parents to look for the qualities above. THIS IS A PLAYER OF THE GAME or MVP AWARD. 2/15/14

11 Umpires – Inland EmpireBaseball Umpires Assoc.
SIYB Assignor Bob Francis – or 2/15/14

12 Coach and Player Development ?????
Mike Brooks with Pro Series Baseball Academy is putting on two coaching clinics for us. When – Sunday, April 3rd Where – Pro Series Baseball Academy at E. Desmet Intro to coaching 10:00 – 12:00 Fundamentals of coaching youth baseball Running effective practices Team communication Parent communication Player development Advanced coaching 12:30 – 2:30 Position players Pitchers Skill techniques Player/Team development 2/15/14 12 12

13 2018 Coach and Player Development
Dugout Captain All coaches, players and parents will be given logins to Dugout Captain Great tool for practice plans and drills. Great tool for coaches of all experience levels. with your logins will be sent via in the next week 2/15/14 13 13

14 Pitch Smart Guidelines
Days Rest = Full Calendars Days EX: Throw 32 Pitches on Tuesday, Cannot Throw again until Thursday Double Headers: If you throw more than 20 pitches in first game, cannot throw second game Pitchers cannot throw 3 days in a row (even if under 20 pitches each day) 2/15/14 14 14

15 All Stars Try Outs Clinics Misc Information 2/15/14 15 15

16 Rule Changes/Clarifications
NO SLUG BUNTS Players must play 3 innings on defense each game (exceptions are shortened games or disciplinary actions). Consequence for coach not playing their players. 1st Offense: Warning 2nd Offense: 2 Game Suspension 3rd Offense: Removal From League Bat Standards Add Roster to Team Connect (Bonzi) 2/15/14 16 16

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