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Welcome to The New Academic Year

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1 Welcome to The New Academic Year

2 Third year B.A Course Fifth semester paper 7
Contemporary social problems or industrial sociology

3 Contemporary social problems (Elective)
Unit 1: Social problems Meaning and nature of social problems Social organization and disorganization (its characteristics and distinction)

4 Unit 2 Problems of Delinquency Meaning of Delinquency Causes and Rehabilitations of Delinquents

5 Terrorism and its effects on society
Unit 3 Terrorism and its effects on society Corruption and its effects on society

6 Unit 4 Sex workers Their problems Rehabilitative measures

7 Unit 5 a)Youth unrest Its causes and effects Youth welfare b) Problems of the aged Care of the aged Support services for the aged

8 Books for reference 1. Elliot and Merril: Social Disorganization 2.G.R Madan : Social Problems in India Vol. 1 &2 3. G.R Madan : Social Change & Problems of Development in India 4. C.B. Memoria : Social Problems and Social Disorganization in India

9 5.S D Punekar : Prostitutes in Bombay
6. Ram Ahuja: Social problems in India 7. Robert K. Merton & Robert Nisbet :Contemporary social problems

10 Thank you

11 Social Problem Meaning: Any factor that affect the public at large
For exp ; Drugs- AIDS-Poverty Differ from Country to Country Racism- Untouchability Change with Passage of time For exp ; Population in1940 s Youth unrest- Deva dasi system-Dowry etc

12 Definition Fuller & Mayer-”
A condition which is defined by number of persons as a deviation from some social norms which they cherish “

13 Definition Walsh and Furfey-
“Social Problem as a deviation from the social ideal remediable by group efforts “

14 Definition Landis Social Problems are men’s un fulfilled aspirations for welfare “ Caar “A social problem exists whenever we become conscious of a difficulty , a gap between our preferences and reality “

15 Nature of Social Problem
1. Social Problem- is totally objected by members. for exp ; Alcoholism 2. Social problem changes when behavior of its members changed For exp ; Love marriage, mental illness 3. Mass media- awareness is created exp; AID werness

16 Exp: Racial conflict in USA, Untouchability in India
4- Social Problem viewed in the context of societies value and institutions Exp: Racial conflict in USA, Untouchability in India 5- Social Problem varies Historically Refuges settlement Assam Srilanka 6- Social Problem should be analyzed in terms of the influence by the group

17 All social Problems are Situational
Are deviations from the ideal situations Have some basis of origin

18 Causes of delinquency 1 Poverty 2 Negligence of parents 3 Broken home
4 Truancy Bad company

19 6 Delinquent areas 7 Cinema 8 Training centers

20 10 Environment 11 Beggary

21 Rehabilitative Measures
There are two methods of treating the delinquents 1. Legal measure 2. Rehabilitative measure

22 Legal Measure with reference to legal measures
Acts relating to delinquents have been passed There are Two categories of Acts

23 First Categories Act

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