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Glossary Omar.

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Presentation on theme: "Glossary Omar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glossary Omar

2 Climax The turning point of the story.
Example: “Please don't shoot me!”exlaimed Andrew.

3 Diagram A drawing or graphic design that explains a concept or idea by using visual elements instead of words. Example: When water evaporates it becomes vapor.

4 Fiction A form of literature about events that did not actually happen
Example: In 1890, everyone except two lived from natural disasters

5 Predictions An educated guess on the future.
Example: I think the rabbit is going to run away from the wolf on the next page.

6 Rising Action Leads to the climax
Example: “Someone has stolen my car,” said Andrew.

7 Supporting Characters
The characters that are in the background of a story. “Who's that guy in the background of our picture,” said Andrew.

8 Word Roots Part of a word that contains the basic meaning or definition Example: Pre-Algebra, Pre means before.

9 Informational Text Text that tells the reader different facts and may include charts, diagrams, graphs, maps, and tables. Example: It's a fact that Earth is a planet.

10 Maps and Graphs Special kinds of pictures that help a reader understand information better than words can alone. Example:60 of 100 voted my sister for Prom Queen.

11 Outline A plan of organization that sketches the main points of a text in chronological order to help the reader understand about at a glance what the text is Example: I plan to go to my aunt's house after I come back from dancing.

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