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Web Security Never, ever, trust user inputs Supankar.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Security Never, ever, trust user inputs Supankar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Security Never, ever, trust user inputs Supankar

2 What is Security?


4 why does security needs? Haha! Yes I know it. Its really a funny topic!!


6 Is it call security?

7 Security why? To prevent stealing important data To secure Personal Data / Credentials Compromising Access Privilege No Data Loss

8 Common Threats Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Session Hijack Click Jacking Cross-site request forgery (XSRF) SQL Injection

9 Never, ever, trust user inputs

10 Input Validation Always use server side validation as client side (javascript) validation can easily be bypassed Use white-listed values Use built-in escape functions Validate for correct data types, like numbers

11 example supankar

12 Input Validation (Cont..) Dont expect the return value from selections, radio buttons or check boxes of a form to be the ones you mentioned. So, always revalidate. Example: Male Female

13 Input Validation (Cont..) insert userinfo (gender) values($_POST[gender]) Garbage Male Female

14 Input Validation (Cont..) Defensive Programming: $gender=m; If ($_POST[gender]==f) $gender=f;

15 PHP: Some Bad Features Register Globals Consider the following code - if ($password == "my_password") { $authorized = 1; } if ($authorized == 1) { echo "Lots of important stuff."; } test.php?authorized=1 will produce Lots of important stuff. To disable register_globals using.htaccess file – php_flag register_globals 0 To disable register_globals using php.ini – register_globals = Off Magic Quotes

16 PHP harmful functions eval("shell_exec(\"rm -rf {$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']}\");"); ini_set()ini_set(), exec(),fopen(), popen(), passthru(), rea dfile(), file(), shell_exec(), system(),etc…exec()fopen()popen()passthru()rea dfile()file()shell_exec()system()

17 SQL Injection Most common and most destructive security hazard Lets see the common way to check username and password entered into a form – $check = mysql_query("SELECT Username, Password, UserLevel FROM Users WHERE Username = '".$_POST['username']."' and Password = '".$_POST['password']."'"); If we enter the following in the username input box and submit - ' OR 1=1 # The query that is going to be executed will now look like this – SELECT Username, Password FROM Users WHERE Username = '' OR 1=1 #' and Password = '' As you can see, this query will return all the users from the database and as generally first user on a user table is the admin, the hacker will easily gain admin privilege.

18 SQL Injection - Preventing Sanitize Properly User Prepared Statements Use mysql_real_escape_string() Turn on magic_quote_gpc with Caution

19 Error/warring Message

20 File Manipulation Some sites currently running on the web today have URLs that look like this: index.php?page=contactus.html The user can very easily change the "contactus.html" bit to anything they like. For example, index.php?page=.htpasswd By changing the URL, on some systems, to reference a file on another server, they could even run PHP that they have written on your site. When users download a file from your server, if the file name depends on user input, he can easily manipulate it to download system files by giving inputs like –../../../etc/passwd

21 IndexIgnore.htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti* ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('log_errors', 1); ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__). '/error_log.txt'); error_reporting(E_ALL);

22 JavaScript!!! A creative innovation. Giving the user more control over the browser Detecting the user's browser, OS, screen size, etc. Performing simple computations on the client side Validating the user's input Handling dates and time Generating HTML pages on-the-fly without accessing the Web server.

23 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) It allows attackers to add keyloggers, tracking scripts or porn banners on your site, or just stop your site working altogether. It can also used for cookie hijacking so that a real user can be faked. Always use htmlentities() function to output user- generated texts. Limit the character set that can used for a particular text type Disallow HTML input if possible. If that is not an option, only allow limited HTML tags

24 I am not Sleeping…….

25 Yes, I am, because it is boring..

26 Lets have some fun…

27 Fun… Go to javascript-small-fun-application/Develop

28 XSS – Preventing Sanitize User input properly Check Character Encoding Double check before printing GET values from URL

29 MVC? Is it secure?

30 Cross-site request forgery (XSRF) Using users logged in session to manipulate

31 Cross-site request forgery (XSRF) cont.. User A has a post with ID 112

32 Cross-site request forgery (XSRF) cont.. User B Posted on his blog No Effect for User B

33 Cross-site request forgery (XSRF) cont.. User A visits User Bs blog Deletes User As post with ID 112

34 XSRF Prevention Use POST Check for the presence of some sort of valid submission

35 I have more important tasks please leave me now…

36 Ok, Ok, Just Summery Use common sense Always check user input No direct user input at sql query Disable the error/warring messages at the production time Always try to use defensive programming technique Update your scripts to the latest versions

37 Suggestions Read security related news and updates o o o

38 Toooo much, Supankar!! STOP NOW!!

39 <?php echo Question; ?>

40 An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure -> Benjamin Franklin Thanks

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