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Northwest Area Committee Meeting

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1 Northwest Area Committee Meeting
State Planning for the Lake Pend Oreille Area Northwest Area Committee Meeting Boise, ID May 17, 2016

2 Map of northern Idaho Railroads UPRR – Canada to Washington through Sandpoint, CDA and Post Falls areas BNSF – Montana to Washington through Sandpoint, CDA and Post Falls areas MRL – Montana to Washington along Clark Fork, Lake Pend Oreille, Sandpoint and Pend Oreille River Yellowstone Pipeline operated by Phillips 66 from Thompson Falls, Montana down the North Ford of the CDA River along I-90 through CDA and Post Falls to Washington Highway corridors Highway 95 which is the main north-south route through Sandpoint and CDA Interstate 90 which is the main east-west route through Silver Valley, CDA and Post Falls A few convergence points: Sandpoint, Coeur d’Alene and Post Falls

3 Pend Oreille area Developed GRPs
Lake Pend Oreille GRP (EPA Region ) Priest River Sub-Basin GRP-light (Bonner County ) Pend Oreille Lake GRP needs to be updated Priest River Sub-Basin GRP-light need to include response strategies and locations

4 From the 2005 EPA Lake Pend Oreille GRP

5 Pend Oreille area GRPs Under Development
Lake Pend Oreille GRP by BNSF (specific for rail) Clark Fork GRP by MRL (specific for rail) (overlaps BNSF Lake Pend Oreille and EPA Lake Pend Oreille GRPs) Revision of EPA’s 2005 Lake Pend Oreille GRP by Idaho Specifically discuss some of the Idaho activities underway in the next slide.

6 Pend oreille area State Activities
Working with EPA, BHS, Bonner County, RRT1 (CDA) and BNSF to revise existing EPA Pend Oreille GRP (2005) Incorporate information from BNSF GRP and MRL GRP Nomenclature Equipment lists and caches Identify chemical hazards Identify staging areas and boat ramps BNSF notification only locations Risk-based prioritization Focus on first hours of an incident Rollout to local first responders Expand Priest River GRP-light to include response locations and strategies Pend Oreille GRP was prior to the Bakken shipments Dan Haley – new DEQ hire; coordinating with RRT1 and Bonner County and overseeing ER contractor; coordinating with EPA and START contractor EPA START – will follow WA Ecology template; doing GIS work ER contractor – BHS funding through RRT1; collect field information from critical locations and develop/revise/confirm response strategies 1.a. review and amend critical points/information; verify response strategies for high water versus low water, and summer versus winter 1.b. locational information Rosetta stone to identify mileposts 1.c. identify equipment and personnel resources needed to deploy response strategy for each location; consolidate inventories into one table; for each response strategy location identify a primary and secondary equipment cache 1.d. categorize Bonner County list into similar response strategies; compare equipment needed with cache to identify gaps in equipment resources 1.f. develop more comprehensive response strategy for the 12 locations where BNSF’s response is to notify the County 1.g. assess highway and railroad corridors for high-risk locations (i.e.., those locations more susceptible to accidents 1.h. what do the local responders bring to bear on an incident;; air monitoring 1.i. education, training, exercises; what do the first responders need to know/learn for what they need to do during those first hours of an incident 2. if funding and resources allow, incorporate into Pend Oreille GRP

7 P66 Integrated Contingency Plan
Moyie River GRP Priest River GRP EPA, BNSF & MRL GRPs This map has the GRP overlays and identified gaps: Kootenai River from Montana to Canada (UPRR and BNSF); under development by BNSF (specific for rail) Update Moyie River GRP-light to include response strategies and locations (developed by Boundary County in 2015) Bonners Ferry to Sandpoint Corridor (UPRR and BNSF) Southern Bonner County and Kootenai County along RR and Highway corridor (UPRR and BNSF) Coeur d’Alene River and Coeur d’Alene Lake gap I-90 Corridor (look at all hazards) Update Spokane River GRP (WA ECY) Update Phillips 66 P66 Integrated Contingency Plan for the Yellowstone Pipeline (which is not a GRP) Spokane River GRP P66 Integrated Contingency Plan

8 Questions Clearwater/Lochsa Workshop in June – identify common cleanup strategies/techniques and endpoints Build on the workshops, drills and exercises conducted in Bonner County in 2015 Use revised Lake Pend Oreille GRP as model for others within Idaho Use Clearwater/Lochsa Workshop as model for other areas

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