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1. Talking about British Values

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1 1. Talking about British Values

2 Being British

3 Big Ben Being British is…
Interesting fact: the tower was renamed Elizabeth Tower in 2012 and it is the bell inside the clocktower that is ‘Big Ben’.

4 Being British is… eating fish and chips

5 drinking tea and eating scones
Being British is… drinking tea and eating scones Interesting note: consider the history of tea – originated in India and spread by the British Empire.

6 Primark Being British is…
Interesting note: Primark was founded in Dublin, Republic of Ireland.

7 McDonalds Being British is…
Interesting fact: whilst it was founded in California (1940) the UK has 1, 249 restaurants in the UK (2014).

8 watching pantomimes Being British is…
Interesting fact: Pantomime has been performed in the UK since the middle ages.

9 going to the pub Being British is…
Interesting fact: The first taverns were built when the Roman Empire came to Britain and built roads. The taverns intended to provide refreshment for travellers.

10 having tattoos Being British is…
Interesting fact: The word ‘tattoo’ is a Samoan (from ta-tau) or Marquesan (from ta-tu) loan word

11 Being British is… fundraising

12 going to university Being British is…
Interesting fact: The oldest existing university was founded in 859AD in Morocco. The University of Oxford is the oldest university in the UK was founded in 1167.

13 Being British is… having manners

14 Being British is… volunteering

15 going to the Job Centre Being British is…
Interesting fact: The first unemployment benefits scheme was introduced in the UK in 1911.

16 Being British is… giving blood

17 helping people Being British is…
Interesting fact: There are more than 300,000 (1 in 200) officially homeless people living in the UK (Shelter – 2017)

18 watching football Being British is…
Interesting note: Invented by England mid-19th century. Though this has been debated and some believe it was created in China centuries earlier.

19 Being British is… queuing

20 voting Being British is…
Interesting fact: The UK uses a ‘first past the post’ system to elect Parliament.

21 protesting Being British is…
Notable protests in the UK include Chartist petition (1848), the Suffragettes, the miner’s strike (1984), Stop the War (2003), Fathers 4 Justice (2004).

22 celebrating Christmas
Being British is… celebrating Christmas Interesting fact: People of many different beliefs and faiths celebrate Christmas, despite it’s Christian heritage.


24 Rules and Laws

25 You must be_____to drink alcohol.
18 21

26 You must be_____to drive a car.
17 18

27 You must be_____to smoke cigarettes.
16 18

28 You must be_____to vote.
14 18

29 National Minimum Wage for a 21 year old is £_________.
£7.83 £7.38 £7.83 = 25years+ £7.38 = years Figures true as of April 2018.

30 You can earn £________ before being taxed.
£10,600 £11,850 Answer = £11,850 for £10,600 was true for

31 If you are an adult, you must pay council tax.
true false

32 You can claim Job seekers allowance if you work 20hours per week.
true false

33 Asylum seekers can claim Job seekers allowance
true false

34 How much is income tax? 17% 20% basic rate = 20%

35 Two men can get married. true false

36 You can have more than one husband or wife.
true false

37 The NHS is private healthcare.
true false

38 Back to the Board

39 law

40 democracy

41 parliament

42 individual

43 majority

44 privacy

45 mutual

46 vote

47 respect

48 protest

49 equal

50 religion

51 diversity

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