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IU Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

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Presentation on theme: "IU Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 IU Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)
Academic advising: Discussing racial trauma and African American students Muhammad Saahir, MS, LMHC, Let’s Talk Program Coordinator IU Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) Introduce selves Introduce CAPS

2 Agenda Define racial trauma Quick Video
Discuss impact of racial trauma Historical issues Contemporary issues Support for students

3 This is a safe space!

4 Racial Trauma “Racial oppression is a traumatic form of interpersonal violence which can lacerate the spirit, scar the soul, and puncture the psyche” (Hardy, 2013, p. 25). Hidden wounds “of rage” Distinguishable from anger Built over time Rage can seem like anger “prescribe anger management interventions, while hidden wound of racial oppression remains unaddressed” CCMH= Center for Collegiate Mental Health Data collected from college counseling centers nationwide-based on CCAPS measure Research has shown freshman are at higher risk for mental health issues generally (Brandy et al., 2015). Wyatt, Oswalt, and Ochoa (2017)--American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment --first years reported higher rates of self-injury and seriously contemplating suicide as compared to other years.

5 Quick Video

6 Historical issues facing African American students at IUB
Founded in 1820 IU reflected the current times Emancipation Proclamation 1863 Representation Acceptance/Inclusion

7 Contemporary issues facing African American students
Locations: Asian Culture Center,Hudson and Holland Scholars, LGBTQ+, La Casa, Groups Scholars, Neal-Marshall, and Eigenmann Hall


9 Support for students Affirmation and Acknowledgment
Promoting acceptance Create space for race Encourage the conversation about race Racial storytelling Invite personal stories about racial experiences Gain understanding of how their lives are impacted by race Validation Confirm the worldview and worth of the student Validate the “untapped hero” Locations: Asian Culture Center, First Nations, Office of International Services, La Casa, Neal-Marshall, Groups Scholars Hardy, K. V. (2013). Healing the Hidden Wounds of Racial Trauma. Reclaiming Children And Youth, 22(1),

10 Thank you!

11 References Hardy, K. V. (2013). Healing the hidden wounds of racial trauma. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 22(1), Retrieved from inclusion Pieterse, A. L., Carter, R. T., Evans, S. A., & Walter, R. A. (2010). An Exploratory Examination of the Associations among Racial and Ethnic Discrimination, Racial Climate, and Trauma-Related Symptoms in a College Student Population. Journal Of Counseling Psychology, 57(3), summary-view.pdf

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