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CASTLE DANCE FORCE Beginning/Intermediate Creative Dance

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1 CASTLE DANCE FORCE Beginning/Intermediate Creative Dance
JAZZ VOCABULARY CASTLE DANCE FORCE Beginning/Intermediate Creative Dance

2 Jazz Dance: A broad term for American social and stage dance using jazz or jazz-influenced music.

3 Lyrical jazz: An expressive yet dynamic style of jazz focused on conveying musicality and emotion through movement.

4 Street dance: Dance styles that evolved outside of dance studios that are often improvisational and social in nature.

5 Hip-hop dance: Street dance styles primarily performed to hip-hop music or that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture.

6 Parallel: Stance where the hips, knees and toes face forward.

7 Ball change: A syncopated weight transfer from one foot to the other.

8 Box Step: A movement where 4 steps form a square.

9 Jazz Hands: Open hands where all 5 fingers are spread out as much as possible.

10 Jazz Walks: Stylized walks of many varieties.

11 Lindy: A pattern of movement that connects a chassé with a ball change.

12 Pivot Turn: Half turn on two legs with weight transfer from one leg to the other. Feet stay stationary but swivel.

13 Contraction: Position or movement in which the center of the torso retreats.

14 Forced arch: Weight bearing position on the ball of the foot with the heel lifted and the knee bent.

15 Lunge: Position in either 2nd or 4th where one knee is bent and the other is straight.

16 On the walk: A starting position for locomotor movements where the back foot rests on the ball of the foot.

17 Cut: Quick displacement of one standing leg by the other while remaining on the same spot.

18 Grapevine: A series of steps that move sideways with a side, back, side, front pattern.

19 Isolations: Movement of only one part of the body.

20 Touch: A placement of the working foot on the floor without shifting weight to it.


22 Intermediate Vocabulary

23 Fan Kick: Kick like a high rond de jambe to the front that resembles a fan.

24 Hitch Kick: A flicking kik initiated from a passe on the opposite leg.

25 Barrel Turn: Can be done like a pirouette or jump. The body leans forward and the spot is the floor or the front.

26 Pencil Turn Like a pirouette with the working leg extended either front or side.

27 Tilt A high leg extension to one side with the body tilting in the opposite direction.

28 Paddle Turns Several small pivots that make a full turn.

29 Calypso A turning leap with the front leg extended, the back leg in attitude and the back arched.

30 Stag Leap A grande jeté with the front leg in plié.

31 Layout A dramatic movement with one leg extended and the back arched.

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