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TGn Opening Report Orlando , Fl, US March 2004

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1 TGn Opening Report Orlando , Fl, US March 2004
Bruce Kraemer, Chair Garth Hillman, Secretary March 15, 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD

2 IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards
Month 2002 doc.: IEEE /xxxr0 March 2004 IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002 6. Patents IEEE standards may include the known use of essential patents and patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. This assurance shall be provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the form of either: a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future patent(s) whose use would be required to implement the proposed IEEE standard against any person or entity using the patent(s) to comply with the standard or b) A statement that a license will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period. Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD John Doe, His Company

3 Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings
March 2004 Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – March 2003 Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD

4 March 2004 January Session Close There were 24 submissions presented during the January session ( listing in r3) Minutes for the session were in r0 Since the close of the session there have been 73 submissions (40 unique document numbers) Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD

5 Interim Activities The FRCC held 3 calls.
Month 2002 doc.: IEEE /xxxr0 March 2004 Interim Activities The FRCC held 3 calls. TGn simulation methodology ad-hoc sub-committee held 3 conference calls. Reports to TGn and ongoing discussions will occur on Monday thru Wednesday. Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD John Doe, His Company

6 Objectives for March 2004 Complete Selection Procedure (11-03-665r9)
Adopt Updated Usage Models Adopt Functional Requirements Adopt Comparison Criteria Resolve Simulation Methodology Receive relevant presentations Issue a Call for Proposals/Review Timeline Receive Technical Presentations Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD

7 March 2004 Agenda Logic (1) Monday afternoon will be devoted to placing all documents and upcoming decision topics in front of the group. There will not be adequate time to resolve each issue in session on Monday as it would be very time consuming to listen to every comment, objection, change suggestion. Hence, the plan will be to ask that comments on the FRCC be submitted to Adrian at least by 09:00 am on Tuesday morning using bona fide submissions with document numbers. A form for this purpose has been prepared ( ). 6 FRCC presentations have been noted prior to session start. Additional FRCC presentations may be submitted. Those pertaining to FRCC would need to be heard Tuesday morning. Adrian then needs time present the summary of comments on FRCC and drive to resolution . This would occupy the bulk of time on Tuesday until 6 pm and perhaps Wednesday. Jeff will need to convene a single-topic simulation methodology session during Monday evening where prepared presentations would be heard. Discussion in front of the whole of 11n would be more productive than in sub-committee. Point presentations on the simulation ad-hoc will be held on Monday evening. Straw polls may be used to assess the degree of consensus. Voting will be expected Tuesday evening. Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD

8 March 2004 Agenda Logic (2) The call for proposals letter needs to be reviewed and approved. Completion of the wording should not be difficult EXCEPT for the specification of the time line. Hence, the time line also needs to be reviewed and critical dates and dependencies worked out. These two topics need to be coupled together in one session for the sake of continuity. An optimistic (but feasible) goal would be one hour to discuss both. Time remaining on Thursday would be used to complete voting on any topic not resolved by Wednesday and hear any technical presentations. TGn session time ends at 3:30 pm. Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD

9 Agenda Logic (3) Voting sequence
March 2004 Agenda Logic (3) Voting sequence Simulation ad-hoc - presentations & straw polls Monday - final discussion and formal voting Tuesday evening 7:30pm-9:30pm slot if needed expand into Wednesday am 8-10 am FR – CC - Usage Models comments review begin Tuesday at 10:30am - 6:00 Tuesday Vote on 1:30pm then continue with CC discussions to 6pm CC discussion continues through Wed 1:30 pm – 6:00PM with presentations on subject under discussion CC voting Wednesday afternoon Discuss Usage models on Thursday 8 am - vote in first session if possible Then call for proposals and time line 10:30- 11:30 Thursday - any remaining technical presentations between 11:30 and 3:30 end of session– unless we find a need for sub-committee break-out time earlier in the day which will allow presentations earlier. Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD

10 March 2004 Mon & Tues (as amended) Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD

11 March 2004 Wed & Thu (as amended) Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD

12 New Documents as of Sunday March 14
Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD

13 Key Documents Key TGn Documents as of March ’04 Opening
TGn Schedule r0 TGn Selection Procedure r9 Selection Procedure Minutes r2 Channel Models r2 Usage Models r r13 Functional Requirements r9 FRCC Cumulative Minutes r6 r10 Comparison Criteria r r17 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD

14 FRCC Presentations - March
FRCC Report and Process for TGn Meeting Adrian Stephens r1 FRCC Template for Comments Adrian Stephens r1 FRCC Items Carrier Frequency/Symbol Clock Offset Proposal for TGn FRCC Colin Lanzl r3 Simple Model for Phase Noise Impairment for TGn CC Colin Lanzl r0 TGN FRCC Proposed new IM Colin Lanzl r0 TGN FRCC Proposed new IM7: Antenna Configuration Colin Lanzl r0 Simulation effort required (FRCC) Bjorn Bjerke r0 Comments on TGn FRCC Doc # r George Vlantis r2 Multiple Channel Modes in a Simulation Scenario John Ketchum r0 Rate Adaptive Version of CC John Ketchum r1 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD

15 Simulation Methodology Speakers
Month 2002 doc.: IEEE /xxxr0 March 2004 Simulation Methodology Speakers Times in minutes shown [in brackets] Sim Methodologies 0269r0 - PHY Abstraction based on PER Prediction - Ketchum 0218r3 - Simulation Methodology - Bruno Jechoux [45] 0183r3 - Record and Playback method – Hemanth Sampath [25] 0304r1 -  PER prediction for MAC simulation - John Sadowsky [30] Others 0300r0 - A Comment on Black-Box adaptation for simulation methodology– Adrian Stephens 0316r1; Comments on PHY Abstraction; John Sadowsky [10] 0303r0; The System Issues of rate adaptation; Simulation methodology- Hujun Yin [15] Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD John Doe, His Company

16 March 2004 Technical Presentations – Submitted for March – presentation may be delayed until May MIMO Ant OFDM Solutions for Enhanced PHY Alexandre Dias r0 Turbo Codes for IEEE n Marie-Helene Hamon r0 20ms Effective Preamble MIMO OFDM Seigo Nakao r1 PCCC Turbo Codes for n Bart Van Poucke r0 Number of MIMO Multiplex for 11n Standards Yusuke Asai r0 Field Measurements of 2 by 2 MIMO Communications Babak Daneshrad r0 Limitation on Range Extension using Multiple Antennas Heejung Yu r0 Maximizing MAC Throughputs by Dynamic RTS-CTS Threshold Woo-Yong Choi r0 LDPC vs. Convolutional Codes: Perf and Complexity Comparison Alexsandar Purkovic r0 Rate Feedback Schemes for MIMO-OFDM Stephan ten Brink r0 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD

17 Attendance If you encounter Attendance Issues
March 2004 Attendance If you encounter Attendance Issues During the session send an to Harry Worstell - Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD

18 March 2004 End Opening Report Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD

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