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Quiz: Thursday, January 11

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1 Quiz: Thursday, January 11
Explain the Catholic Church’s teachings with regards to the use of Ordinary and Extraordinary Means in dealing with death and dying issues. Include in your discussion the use of “feeding tubes” and those who are in permanent vegetative state (PVS). Lastly, what’s the difference between a regular Living Will and an Advance Medical Directive with a Durable Power of Attorney with a Health Care Proxy.

2 The Case for the Vulnerable: Abortion

3 Church Teachings Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception (Donum Vitae, 1) You shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause the newborn to perish (The Didache, 2nd century AD) When the state does not place its power at the service of the rights of each citizen, and in particular of the more vulnerable, the very foundations of a state based on law are undermined (Donum Vitae, III)

4 Cooperation In Abortion
Penalty of Excommunication – Latae sententiae CCC, 2272

5 Three types of Abortion
Spontaneous Indirect Procured (Direct)

6 Undercover: Late Term Abortion
Video: Late Term Abortion in a clinic in Arizona

7 Examples Cancerous uterus/Pregnant with a baby Clearing up acne
Direct Abortion examples

8 Ectopic Pregnancy Other names What is it? Cause
Options for treatments: Salpingectomy Salpingostgomy Methodoxate

9 Treatment for Rape Victims
Self Defense Contraceptives permissible but cannot be an abortifacient Governed by the Principal of Double Effect Is the action either morally good or morally neutral? Is the intention of the action the good effect and not the bad effect that results from it? Does the good outcome outweigh the bad one? Testing

10 Connection between Abortion and Contraceptives
Contraceptives can be abortifacients Abortion as a form of birth control Abortion flows from an anti-conception mentality

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