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Algorithms, Data Structures and Interfaces of the UI

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1 Algorithms, Data Structures and Interfaces of the UI
Presentation by Christian Hörwick

2 Introduction No own Algorithms and Data Structures needed in the UI-Subsystem This presentation will focus only on the interaction and information flow from and to UI-subsystem boundaries

3 1. Interaction and Information flow to subsystem boundaries:
get message from Notification Center as soon as there are any changes the messages indicate only what has changed but don't send data (pull)

4 2. Interaction and Information flow from subsystem boundaries
Two protocols therefore needed: a)UIOrchestra b)UIObject

5 a)UIOrchestra Methods:
-(void)setTrackingContext : (NSOpenGLContext*)newContext sets the new OpenGLContext which is used by Tracking subsystem -(void)setOrchestraContext : (NSOpenGLContext*)newContext sets the new OpenGLContext which is used by Video subsystem -(UIObject*)getRootUIObject  returns the root-UIObject The UI subsystem gets the UIOrchestra-Object from ApplicationController at the beginning

6 b) UIObject Represents an Orchestra „Ensemble“-Object where the following methods can be used: -(bool)hasChildren  shows if the UIObject has children (represents a musician group) or not (represents a single musician) -(NSArray*)children  returns the children as an Array -(bool)visible  shows if the UIObject is visible -(Vector3f*)position  returns the position -(Vector3f*)rotation  returns the rotation angles of x-, y- and z-axis

7 b)UIObject (cont.) -(NSString*)name  returns the name
-(NSString*)role  returns the role -(UIObject*)rootObject  returns the root UIObject -(NSArray*)allChildren  returns all UIObjects representing a single musician or a musician group which has no children -(void)setPosition : (Vector3f*)position  sets the new position -(void)setVolume : (float)volume sets the new volume

8 Thanks for your attention!

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