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Emotional Behavioral Disorder

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Presentation on theme: "Emotional Behavioral Disorder"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotional Behavioral Disorder

2 Agenda Overview of Emotional Behavioral Disorder Activity
Definition/Characteristics of EBD Emotional Disturbance vs. Social Maladjustment Diagnosis Comorbidity Racial and Gender Disparities Teaching and Learning Strategies Activity Guest Speaker Discussion & Reflection

3 Definition Textbook: a disability characterized by behavioral or emotional responses in school that violate social and cultural norms More than a temporary expected response 2 different settings (1 being school) Student is unresponsive to general education interventions Extreme behavior Violates social and cultural expectations Chronic problem

4 Characteristics Behaviors are episodic, not necessarily constant. Often unpredictable. Often low academic performers Externalizing vs. Internalizing behavior Externalizing: aggression, disruption, acting out, arguing, noncompliant, hyperactivity, impulsiveness Internalizing: depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, lonely, low self- esteem

5 Emotional Disturbance vs. Social Maladjustment
They do not have the ability to build relationships. They have inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances They can have external, internal or low incidence behaviors Lack of Social Skills Social Maladjustment: Not defined by IDEA (Hochbaum article) Antisocial and Delinquent behavior is willful and instrumental, students are exhibiting behaviors to get something they want (on purpose) Often have antisocial and conduct disorders They can display the appropriate emotional response to manipulate situations. You can’t receive SPED services unless they also have emotional disturbance. TY%20CRITERIA%20AND%20PROGRAM%20GUIDELINES%20 FOR%20CHILDREN/PART%20I%20ELIGIBILITY%20CRITERIA% 20AGES%205-21/D.%20EMOTIONAL%20DISTURBANCE.pdf

6 Diagnosis Educators are often hesitant to diagnose
Failure to diagnose early on inhibits prevention Usually students are diagnosed after many years of struggling. Students with EBD are misdiagnosed with Learning Disabilities before diagnosed with EBD. Rhetorical Question: If this is the case, why are black students more frequently diagnosed with EBD?

7 Comorbidity Children with EBD often also have other disabilities or mental health disorders Learning disabilities, depression, anxiety and schizophrenia May show up as an internalizing behavior Biology, environment, school setting

8 Teaching and Learning Strategies
The classroom and school environment is a contributing factor to the development of EBD. Teachers have a significant influence on the outcomes of students with EBD. Strategies

9 Teaching Strategies Part A
Peer Tutoring: Students are paired with a highly skilled peer to work with Self-Evaluation: comparing behavior performance to desired behavior Self-Monitoring:observing and recording behavior Goal Setting: Setting Goals to attain desired behavior Reward Desirable Behavior with Precorrection Strategies: Rewarding a student for exhibiting the desired behavior and using precorrection strategies Modeling, Rehearsal, Feedback: Model the behavior, practice it, give feedback

10 Teaching Strategies Part B
Give Students Clear Expectations including behavior and classroom rules that are posted in the classroom Provide instruction on social and emotional skills Home to School Communication Peer Involvement Allow for breaks Maintain a positive environment and building a positive relationship with students

11 Examples: Student Profile Mini-Activity
Jayson is a 6th grader who struggles academically, rarely turns in work and often skips Science class. Teachers have noticed Jayson sits alone at lunch, does not participate in gym class and often does not respond when spoken to, besides a shrug of the shoulders. During work time in class, Jayson often refuses to try. If he does attempt work, he gives up within the first few minutes, shuts down and becomes non- responsive to encouragement or problem solving with the teacher. In some circumstances, Jayson will leave the room completely in order to completely avoid participation. Would you describe Jayson’s behavior as Internalizing or Externalizing? What evidence do you have? What are some strategies you could implement in your Science classroom to support Jayson? Answers: Internalizing Emotional Disturbance

12 Examples: Student Profile Mini-Activity
Lorraine is an 8th grader often argues with the math teacher over the amount of work needing to be done for the class. No matter the task asked of her, big or small, she refuses to do the work and claims it is too difficult for her. The teacher has offered her to be able to work with a group on their assignments but she refuses to do the work and claims the other members don’t like her. Would you describe Lorraine’s behavior as Internalizing or Externalizing? What evidence do you have? What are some strategies you could implement in your Math classroom to support Lorrain? ED Externalizing

13 Examples: Student Profile Mini-Activity
Teng is a 10th grader in Language Arts who often finds himself struggling to keep his hands to himself during class. During Mr. Phillip’s lesson on Shakespeare, Teng would make lewd remarks to one of his female classmates and would ignore Mr. Phillip’s reprimands of his harassment and would deny that he is doing anything wrong. When the female classmate would tell Teng to leave her alone, he would threaten to physically harm her and berate her over her appearance. Teng would often become hyperactive upon hearing reactions from his fellow classmates, raising his voice and making even more comments about the female classmate. Finally Mr. Phillips would take Teng outside of the class and tell him to stay outside - Teng would subsequently throw a tantrum, asking why he was being removed and maintaining that he was not behaving in any wrong way. Would you describe Teng’s behavior as Internalizing or Externalizing? What evidence do you have? What are some strategies you could implement in your Language Arts classroom to support Teng? ED Externalizing

14 Racial and Gender Disparities/issues etc.
Males make up 74% of the diagnosed EBD students 4% of African Americans in Minnesota are labeled with EBD Students with EBD are 13 times more likely than other students with disabilities to be arrested before they get out of school (Only 40% graduate) (KNOWING THESE STATISTICS HOW CAN WE AS TEACHERS REDUCE THE PROBABILITY OF THESE OUTCOMES???)

15 BREAK 10 Minutes

16 Guest Teacher(s) DEONNE BRADY-MORGAN
Deonne was a social worker before she began her teaching career and has been teaching Secondary English/ Language Arts, Special Education, English Language Learners, or Adult Basic Education since 1982.

17 Discussion & Reflection
What was surprising or stood out to you? What is something you learned or knowledge you gained about EBD that you did not have before this presentation?

18 Discussion & Reflection
As an Urban Teacher Candidate what were some of your take- aways? What strategies will you use? What are some strategies that work best with your teaching style? What are some specific examples of the strategies you could implement in your content area?

19 References (2005)

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