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Critical Thinking Processes

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1 Critical Thinking Processes
Definition of key terms

2 Critical Thinking Processes
analysis - breaking down information into its parts and elements evaluation - judging according to standards or criteria synthesize - putting together elements and parts to form new wholes

3 Rhetoric The strategies writers use to persuade an audience about an idea or claim. Many refer to rhetoric as the “art” of persuasion.

4 Rhetorical Appeals logical appeals: appeal to the reader’s intellect
emotional appeals: appeal to the reader’s heart ethical appeals: appeal to the reader’s sense of fairness and trust.

5 Claim a concise statement or idea and the reasons to support it.

6 Generalization a broad, general point, viewpoint, or conclusion

7 Types of Evidence facts statistics first hand observations
expert testimony examples, details, illustrations, opinions

8 Types of Reasoning First: inductive: particulars, details, examples, facts. Then: concluding generalization

9 Types of Reasoning deductive - First: broad generalization. Then: inductive: particulars, details, examples, facts.

10 Logical Reasoning Checklist
Have you developed your reasoning on a solid foundation? Are your initial assumptions sound? Do you need to identify, explain, or justify them? Is your thesis stated clearly? Are terms explained and defined? Have you presented your reasons for thinking in that your thesis is sound? Have you arranged them in a sequence that makes sense to your audience?

11 Logical Reasoning Checklist
Have you used evidence that your audience will respect? Have your favored objective, research based evidence rather than personal experiences or beliefs that others may not share? Have you enhanced your own credibility by acknowledging other points of view? Have you adjusted your tone and style so that you come across as reasonable and fair-minded? Have you avoided arrogant claims?

12 Critical Thinkers Analyze Purpose
Persuade Entertain Inform

13 Critical Thinkers Analyze Audience
students teachers parents educated reader uneducated

14 Critical Thinkers Analyze Style and Tone
Informal Formal Humorous Sarcastic

15 Source Kennedy, X.J., Dorothy M. Kennedy, and Marcia F. Muth. The Bedford Guide for College Writers. 9th edition. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, Print.

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