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FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT FEMA and the Florida Building Code

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1 FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT FEMA and the Florida Building Code
Our Partnership with FEMA and the Florida Building Code Presented by Paul T. Myers, BSBA, CBO




5 Alternate Provisions ASCE 24
Structural Systems must Resist Flotation Collapse Lateral Movement Flood-resistant Construction Design Flood Elevation (DFE) AE Flood Zone has a BFE A Flood Zone has a HAG Determination of DFE Obtain and reasonably use data available from a federal, state, or other source; or Hire a register design professional Engineer Surveyor Architect

6 F E M A F I R M

7 U S G S T O P O

8 Protection of Mechanical Systems
HVAC Systems Duct Systems Plumbing Systems Fuel Gas Systems Protection of Electrical Systems NEC – Wet Locations Protection of Water Supply Protection of Sanitary Systems Manufactured Homes must Comply with: Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Local Floodplain Management Ordinance

9 Flood Insurance Study

10 Flood Insurance Study - FIS Surveyor
Base Flood Elevation - BFE Elevation Datum BFE = 5.5 feet NAVD 88 NGVD 29 or 3.5 feet NAVD 88 NAVD 88 MSL = 0 feet NAVD 88 Mean Sea Level - MSL Benchmark 5.5 feet NAVD 88

11 AE - Flood Zone BFE provided by FEMA Floodplain Development Permit
Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) BFE provided by FEMA Property on St. Johns River Floodplain Development Permit BFE = 5.5 feet NAVD 88 Surveyor provides Benchmark DFE Flood Resistant Material

12 A – Flood Zone No BFE Provided by FEMA Highest Adjacent Grade - HAG
Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) No BFE Provided by FEMA Property on Cowpen Lake Highest Adjacent Grade - HAG Minimum Elevation at HAG = 2 feet 2 feet above HAG Flood Resistant Material

13 “Freeboard” is a factor of safety usually expressed in feet
above a flood level for purposes of floodplain management. Freeboard Minimum Height


15 Flood Resistant Material


17 End of Presentation

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