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Expectations by Location

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1 Expectations by Location
Anna Hause Elementary Expectations by Location

2 Anna Hause Library expectations
Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Listen to instructions and directions carefully Use shelf marker to mark the book’s place Keep hands and feet to yourself Wait quietly in a single file line Treat books with care and return them on time Walk at all times Sit quietly and read once you have checked out your book Push in your chair While seated: Keep 2 feet and chair flat on the floor

3 Anna Hause Bus expectations
Be Respectful Bus Loading & Unloading Bus In Motion Stay where the bus driver can see you. Stay on the sidewalk until it is safe to load. Stay in your seat until the bus comes to a complete stop. Keep body parts inside the bus. Keep seated at all times Keep feet out of aisle Watch for your stop Stand at arm’s length behind the person in front of you Load the bus by holding on to the handrails so you don’t trip on others. Talk softly so others may hear directions from bus driver. Keep all belongings tucked in the seat with you. Keep all belongings inside you backpack Keep bus stop clear of liter. Keep your belongings near you when waiting for the bus to load and unload Keep feet on floor. No food in the bus. Keep hands to yourself.

4 Anna Hause Office expectations
Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Wait patiently to be helped Stay in appropriate zones Walking at all times Keep voices to a 0-1 level Once you have been helped go directly back to class Cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing Mind your own business while waiting to be helped Have appropriate, professional, and polite conversations Keep your hands and feet to yourself Say “Please” and “Thank you” Have notes explaining why you are in the office Follow directions from all adults

5 Anna Hause Hallway Expectations
Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Look with your eyes not with your hands Go straight to your destination Walk at all times Keep voices to a whisper Stay on task when working in the hallway Keep hands and feet to yourself (and away from walls) Mind your own business while passing other students Follow directions from all adults Open and close doors carefully and quietly

6 Anna Hause Cafeteria Expectations
Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Raise your hand and calmly wait to be dismissed Throw unwanted items in the trash can Line up in a straight line Use inside voices in eating areas Leave your lunch area cleaner than you found it Play on the playground. Eat in the cafeteria Listen to all adults and follow directions Eat your own food Sharing food is not allowed Keep your hands and feet to yourself

7 Anna Hause Restroom Expectations
Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Give people privacy Flush toilets Walk to and from restroom Use quiet voices Wash your hands Keep water off of the floor Calmly wait your turn Keep toilet paper in toilet and off the floor and walls Report problems: sink/toilet/floor

8 Anna Hause MPR expectations
Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Stay quiet Sit cross-legged with your hands in your lap Keep hands and feet to yourself Look at the person speaking Look at your teacher and follow any directions that are given Walk Use appropriate audience behavior-clap when appropriate, etc. Face forward and listen to presenter Respect other’s personal space

9 Anna Hause Lining Up Expectations
Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe When whistle blows stop all activity Put away all equipment Walk to your lines Walk onto the blacktop Remember your jackets, snack bags and other personal items. Stand in line order until, facing forward, arms length away. Take a knee or sit and listen to the supervisors No horse-playing while walking to your line or while waiting in line Keep your voice level at a 2 or 3

10 Anna Hause Playground expectations
Location Be Respectful Be Responsible Safe General-applies to all areas -Use kind and appropriate words -Food must be eaten in cafeteria -When whistle blows walk to the blacktop and sit or take a knee. -Stay in supervised areas at all times -Put away equipment -Keep hands and feet to yourself -WALK Big Toy -Wait your turn calmly -Report an injury right away to an adult -Walk -Slide DOWN the slide only Swings -Stay behind the yellow line - No “countbacks” are allowed. -Sit on the swing -Count to 30 when their feet go up to wait for a swing -Slow down with your feet and walk off of the swing once it is at a complete stop Field -Follow the rules to the game you are playing -Stay on the west half of the field -Run or walk cautiously

11 Anna Hause Computer lab expectations
Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Treat the headphones with respect. Only use the websites your teacher has allowed you to use Walk carefully around the computers and cords Report any equipment that is not working Stay focused and on task Raise your hand if you have a questions Follow directions Use your time wisely Get an adult to help with the printer if it is not working properly

12 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB expectations
Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Use inside voices Put things back where they belong Keep hands and feet to yourself Use kind words to each other and to staff Follow all directions given by staff/adult Stay with your buddy Eat food outside ONLY Raise your hand and get permission to leave the room Remember to sign in and out

13 ASES expectations Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe
Use inside voices Put things back where they belong Keep hands and feet to yourself Use kind words to each other and to staff Follow all directions given by staff/adult Stay with your buddy Eat food outside ONLY Raise your hand and get permission to leave the room Remember to sign in and out

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