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MEET THE HIGHLANDERS Introduction Chris McCord – Principal

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Presentation on theme: "MEET THE HIGHLANDERS Introduction Chris McCord – Principal"— Presentation transcript:

1 MEET THE HIGHLANDERS Introduction Chris McCord – Principal
Mark Schmid – Athletic Director (TWHS) Lance Skinner – Athletic Coordinator (MCC)

2 Our Coaches Head Coach- Coach Skinner
Coach Lilley Coach Johnson Coach Martinez Coach Porter Coach Rozelle Coach Larson Coach Corley Coach Bloom Coach Herndon Coach Baird Coach Harvey Coach Michalski

3 ONE TEAM ONE GOAL Get involved with Quarterback Club
Volunteer for games- scoreboard, announce, chains, concessions Sign up on football website to receive Attend high school football games

4 Jr. High at Woodforest Bank Stadium
7:00 p.m. start time Procedures for athletes to be admitted free at Woodforest Stadium Must wear their game day t-shirt Must be there before 6:30p.m. to get in free Enter the gates on the scoreboard side of the stadium

5 Expectations We expect excellence in the classroom
No pass, no play! UIL dates located on McC webpage The players are expected to live at higher standards (i.e. – yes sir, no sir) They are always considered athletes no matter where they go Athletics is a privilege The McCullough Jr. High program is an extra-curricular activity that requires hard work, commitment, discipline and dedication to a team concept. Young men who are a part of the program are expected to represent their school, community and family in a way that all will be proud of them. The program will enhance the qualities of leadership, citizenship, and teach values important to being a success and competing in today’s world.

6 Practice 7th Grade – Before school – practice STARTS at 7:00 A.M. The locker room opens at 6:30 A.M. 8th Grade – After school – practice ends at 5:30 P.M. Practice is every day Monday – Friday until games start. (except the first day of school). Games begin the week of September 10 8th Graders: Once games begin…Practices on Monday mornings and no Friday afternoon practices.

7 Pick up and Drop Off All football players should be dropped off and picked up on the west side (stadium side) of the school at the locker room doors. Please do not drop off students in the parking lot where they have to walk through traffic to get in the building.

8 Breakfast 7th graders will have the opportunity to purchase food from the cafeteria on red days only. On green day practices, players are encouraged to bring a snack that they can eat while walking to class.

9 Concerns Asthma and/or Diabetes or any Allergies – LET US KNOW
Please make sure the coaches AND the nurse have an inhaler for your child. Plenty of water – before and after practice If there seem to be any concerns or problems, feel free to contact your child’s coach or Coach Skinner.

10 Concerns (continued) CONCUSSIONS
Any player that is suspected of having a concussion will have to follow the return to play protocol set up by the district.

11 Vaping This is a growing problem in the U.S.

12 Games Games will be played on Mondays (7th) and Tuesdays (8th)
Games usually start at 4:30 and 5:30 A ticket must be purchased to attend games $2 for parents $1 for students

13 Morning Tutoring Red days- the student must have a pass from teacher to attend tutoring. A coach will unlock the locker rooms at 7:50 for those who need to attend tutoring Students will return to practice after tutoring Green Days- the students will be dismissed at 8:00 to attend tutoring

14 FAQ’s Will there be early morning practice after season? No
Do the players have to ride bus after game? Yes Can students play other sports and football? Do the students have to shower after practice? After the season do the students have to do off season?

15 FAQ’s Cont. Can the students eat breakfast? Yes
What restaurant is providing food for players? Chick-Fil-A If student fails, do they still have to attend practice? Can parents come watch practice? Where do parents pick up and drop off players? West side of school near practice fields

16 Information Games can be cancelled at any time (i.e. weather). We will try to cancel games as early as possible. Plan to play. Please get on list for important information.

17 Information Continued
McCullough has no control on whether or not we play games that are played at other schools. If games are cancelled early, then an will be sent out. Please sign up for Parent Home Access Center at www. to get on school list. Sign up for QBC list on Athletic/Football Website

18 Information continued
This year McCullough has 12 teams – Six in 7th grade and six in 8th grade. Teams have been split to optimize student playing time and make our teams competitive. Since there are 12 teams, please know what team your child is on and who is their coach. McCullough’s teams are named after their coach. This should cut down on confusion.

19 Information Continued
If you have a question or concern about anything with football or your child’s team, go to the coach first – all coaches’ names and links are on the athletic page. The team that plays on the first game will stay and watch the 2nd game until half time. After games please promptly pick your child up from McCullough. Please wait for your child in the west side of the parking lot (near the locker room doors).

20 Information Continued
At the games, please stay in the stands. Please stay off the rail and have your kids stay off the rail so others can see the game. Please limit the number of sodas your child drinks. Please encourage them to drink plenty of water. Please encourage your child to eat breakfast. The cafeteria will provide breakfast during football season on red days. Students can purchase food or bring some from home.


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